End of the Road

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"Karter," says Rahni, my mother. "We're proud of you."
"Mama..." I say. "Please don't call me that, I don't like my name."
"Of course," says Mother as she caresses my cheek. "Kart."
"You've come so far without us," says Myrril, my father. "You are strong."
"Yes," smiles Hadwyn, my uncle. "Feeny Rye told me he learned a lot from you!"
"That's right!" smiles Feeny Rye, my cousin. "You're like a light for us!"
"Thank you all..." I say.
"Now go," says Herastina, my aunt. "They are waiting for you."
"Follow your dreams!" smiles Moss, my other cousin. "Hedonism is better than being self-restraint!"
"I have to go...?" I mumble.
"Yeah," smiles Adrianna, my automaton-friend. "Your new journey starts today."
"..." I sigh.
"Please go," Posa, my clone-brother, hugs me. "You don't have to let go of the past. You can still cherish us in your memories. Additionally, Herastina wouldn't mind you visiting her."
"That's true!" smiles Herastina. "Dakota would love a friend to play with!"
"Posa..." I sob. "T-thank you..."
"Now go," smiles Posa. "Take Sunny's hand and live, live a long and happy life. We will be cheering for you."
"B-but-!" I reach for them. "Can't we all go together..?"
"Kart..." Feeny sighs. "You know we can't."
"It's okay," says Herastina. "I had a hard time healing too. I still have scars all over me. Nobody but me can see them. However, Dakota and my husband Sylvester are helping me heal. Please find your special person who can help you. I'll be in Manora if you need me!"
"Aunt Herastina..." I sigh.
"We are all here for you." says Adrianna. "Even if we aren't with you, we will live on. We will protect you."
"Promise me," says Posa. "To live and not to survive. Life is here for us to enjoy, so don't make it a battle anymore, make it a haven."
"Okay..." I say. "I will go find Sunny. Farewell, my family."
As I run, I see them waving at me.
"Kart," says Myrril quickly before I disappear in the darkness. "Your mother and I will always love you and your sister."
"Yes," says Rahni. "You two mean the world to us."

"Please be safe."


"Huh? You want to say goodbye?" asks Diva. "You don't have to worry about that. I won't disappear."
"Diva..." I sigh.
"You don't have to ask us for permission," says Stellar. "Because you can live happily without forgetting us, if that's what you want."
"Yes," I say desperately. "You all mean everything to me! I- I will show you the world like you have never seen it before!"
"Kart..." Tokyo smiles. "Thank you."
"I promise I won't forget any of you!" I shout.
"Thank you for remembering me." says Zon Tike.
"It's okay, Kart." says Professor Dirize. "Nobody is forcing you to be tethered to us. Just...find peace already."
"Search for that light in your life." Zach smiles. "I am sure you won't regret it."
"You really won't." smiles Annabelle. "My light and I lived a wonderful life, haven't we?"
"We have." smiles Nathaniel. "The world is so beautiful."
"My light...?" Kart mumbles.
"Yes!" cheers Sweetie Luna. "Find your special someone and seek for that euphoria!"
"You don't have to be happy, if you don't want to." says Audacious. "But don't grieve the past. It can't be changed anymore."
"Alright." I say.
"It's true," states Nerdy. "The past can't be changed, but it can make you stronger."
Dagobert nods and smiles.
"Don't let it drag you down." demands Kitty. "You have to fight for your future!"
"And you fought well." Leo smiles warmly.
"True!" Minetta agrees. "This time I'm not lying. I'm being honest with you. You fought great."
"Everyone who passed away and had the chance to meet you is grateful for it." says Max. "So am I."
"T-thank you..." I cry.
"It's true." says Mia. "The past can't always be changed, and when it can be, then you have to give it a second chance to bloom."
"You gave me a second chance." says Knologos. "You didn't give up on me, even though I caused so much mayhem."
I smile kindly.
"If you leave Ambermoor," says Ms. Cat. "You could visit my family and I. We would appreciate it."
"I will." I grin.
"..." K'lani is quiet. "I'm sorry for abandoning you all."
"It's okay, Knologos misses you." I snicker.
"I'm also sorry for leaving you all behind." says Johnny. "B-but, we can still cross paths and try again! I made a huge mistake and hurt Rain...I will apologize to her if I see her again..."
"I'm sure Rain will forgive you." I smirk.
"I will find you," says Fifty. "If I do, then you will get to know the new me."
"Thank you..." I say. "You all made my heart bloom."
Headmaster Doodles smiles, "You're welcome."
"I will live," I stand up. "I will seek happiness. I will try my best."
I turn around and smile, "Life is wonderful, thanks for showing me what it means to be alive."

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