Chapter 1 - Caught

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Third person POV

The hero's have finally caught the Villain Mindbreaker. They had him in a quirk cancelling room. The room was basic and had a bed and a closest. A bathroom was there as well. 

There was a table that was bolted down to the floor in the center of the room. On the wall there's a big window for pro's or interviewers to look through. It was one of those mirror windows where if Mindbreaker looked at the window he would see himself but anyone on the other side of the window would see him. 

Eraserhead was sitting at the chair near the door facing Mind Breaker. Mind Breaker was currently cuffed to the table so that he couldn't move. 

"What's your name" Eraserhead said

"Shinsou Hitoshi" 

"How old are you"

"16" That startled Eraserhead "he's my students age."

^Italics are thoughts

"Your quirk?" Eraserhead said a bit more kindly.

Shinsou narrowed his eyes at the change of tone but still said "Mind control" Eraserhead was about to ask for the specifics but Shinsou continued on "If someone responds to me then they are under my control and they con only get out if they get hurt or I say that they are out of my control"

Eraserhead nodded "Ok then. I'll see you soon Shinsou" 

Shinsou flinched at the mention of his family name "Call me Hitoshi" he said fast "I don't want to be called by my family name" Eraserhead just nodded and left the room


When Eraserhead left the room he looked through the window to see what Hitoshi was doing. He wasn't doing much. Not like he could. He was chained to the table so he couldn't go far. 

Hitoshi looked very tired but he seemed very alert and awake at the same time.

The Bakusquad was walking by and a bright little blonde was looking through the window. 

The little blonde came up next to Eraserhead and looked through the window, after a few seconds he realised who was in there he froze. 

"Kaminari?" Eraserhead asked the little blonde. "What are you doing?"

Kaminari didn't respond. He stood frozen for another second then broke out into a run.

He ran straight towards the door and the Bakusquad watching was too stunned to do anything. 

He opened the door and with Eraserhead close on his tail he ran straight towards Hitoshi. 

Hitoshi had looked startled when the door just suddenly opened with a bang. He was met with Kaminari tackling him with a hug.

Hitoshi was knocked off the chair and the handcuff chain snapped. 

Hitoshi groaned in pain once he hit the ground.

"Toshi!" Kaminari said half crying

Hitoshi froze, he hadn't heard that name since he left middle school.

Hitoshi pushed himself and Kaminari up so that he was sitting and Kaminari was sitting on top of him. 

Kaminari put his arms around Hitoshi's neck and cried into his shoulder. 

"Toshi..." Kaminari cried and mumbled. It was mostly crying but Hitoshi could hear Kaminari say his hame. 

Hitoshi realised who was hugging him "Kitten?" he asked.

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