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"...Why is it so cold in here?" Prem hugs himself, rubbing his arms together as he steps out of the van, with a bag of chips in his hand. 

He takes a seat in one of Up's foldable chairs before excitedly opening the bag of chips.

They've already arrived at the campsite and have just finished setting up. Three blue tents were built in the middle of tall trees, with their rented camper van parked to the side, while they put a little table in front of the tents with their chairs placed around it. They decide to set a fire here, as well.

It's almost six o'clock, fogs are forming and the sky is starting to darken.

While Earth sits a little far from them to watch the sunset better, and Fluke is inside the van rearranging their things, Prem, Boun, Ohm, Kao, and Up sit together.

"I hope it doesn't rain," Boun remarks, getting a handful of chips from Prem's bag.

"Do you guys know how to build a campfire?" Up looks at everyone's faces, and everyone except Kao shakes their heads.

"Should we start making a fire now?" Kao then suggests, and everyone agrees.

They then moved the chairs and the table a little, before Boun and Prem get the woods and other things they need from their cars, as Up helps Kao in making the campfire.

Ohm, who's left there not having to do anything, (which he chooses to), takes the opportunity and rushes to the van to see his boyfriend.

He catches him taking the sleeping bags and blankets out of the bag.

"Hi," He simply greets as he approaches the other.

"...Hi, What are you doing here?" Fluke gives him a warm smile when he looks his way.

"They're busy... and I want to see you." He replies, giving the smaller one a kiss on his cheek.

"Aww, my baby... I missed you." Fluke gives his lover a loving squint before wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him closer to give him a few kisses on the lips before tightly embracing him.

"Where do you want to sleep tonight?" Ohm asks as they move away.

"Uh... We can just sleep here, on the little bed, at my back." He points at the curtain behind him using his thumb.

Ohm nods, "It's cold outside, wear a jacket when you go out."

"Yes, sir... By the way, is Earth already outside? I need to talk about our dinner."

"Uh... No, not yet. He said he wanted to be alone and that he didn't want to be bothered." 

Fluke takes a deep breath and stares at his boyfriend with concern in his eyes.

It's just that Earth doesn't really act like this except when he's unhappy. He needs someone right now.

So he decides to go to him.

He then puts on his jacket and grabs a blanket for him, and as he gets out of the van, he finds him alone.

"Why sitting alone here?" He asks, wrapping the blanket around his bestie, before sitting beside him.

Earth takes a glance at him and smiles a little. "Just watched the sunset... But now that the sun is gone and it's dark, I don't know what I'm doing here anymore."

"....Bestie, what's the problem?"

Earth did not reply for seconds, he's hesitating. Before he finally looks into Fluke. "It's just...You see, Fluke, I still have feelings for P'Kao. But he has someone already. Look how they behave. They're probably dating."

Fluke brows furrows... As far as he knows, Kao and Up are best friends.

When he and Up even met for the first time, he told Kao he had a tiny crush on the guy, so Kao urged Up to meet him.

Well, Up is quite attractive.....

And please don't tell Ohm.

But they only went out twice before deciding that they were better off as friends.

He then takes a brief glance at the two people mentioned and sees nothing wrong; they seem to be buddies having a good time. Should they fight so Earth wouldn't worry?

With a weird expression, he then returns his attention to Earth. "I see friends making a campfire instead."

Earth sighs heavily before he looks away, annoyed. "No, Fluke... You don't understand..."

"Okay..." He responds, not wanting to irritate his best friend any further.

Earth does not reply anymore, and Fluke just let him and sits quietly beside him.

However, a minute later, he observes his best friend softly crying. Tears are streaming tears from his eyes, which he quickly wipes away.

"Hey, please don't cry, bestie..." Fluke frowning as he caresses the other's back.

"I guess I'm just sad since P'Kao and I were always together before, and now that someone else is there for him, he feels so distant."

"Hey, bestie... Is it okay if I ask you about what happened between you and P'Kao?"

"....I don't know... But everything was okay before, and we loved each other so much. But then, as our relationship grew we learned new things about each other, it caused us to realize that we didn't know each other at all. Then we started fighting and hurting each other, so we decided to end it before even our friendship gets affected."

He gulps air as he pauses for a second, "Now we can't go back because it's been done... All I can do now is to hope he'd find his way back to me... But, if this happens again, I'm worried I'll hurt you guys again as well."

Fluke leans closer and wraps an arm around his friend's shoulder, as he speaks. "Let me tell you this, Earth... if that's what you're afraid of, it's alright with us if we go over the same thing again, as long as you're happy."

He smiles at Earth but the latter shakes his head, "I guess it's too late now... So you. I'm ready to fight if you ever date one of our friends. I do not want to take sides, too..."

Fluke chuckles and brushes Earth's hair before he shifts his focus to the sight in front of them.

He wants to tell Earth about his relationship with Ohm and reassure him, but he just can't.

For now, all he knows is that he has so much trust in Ohm and that they will never be apart.

And they will prove that to everyone.


omg I can sense the new OF series 🥺🥺

btwww I'm sorry for short updateesss,
I'll write longer when I'm done w school stuff!!

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