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"Oh, here's the baby's request. Scrambled egg!" Earth exclaims cheerfully, placing a plate on the center of the table before taking his seat, turning to give the youngest a pinch on the cheek, earning a small smile after. Then with a look of wonder on his face, he gives everyone a check. "Why is everyone so quiet?" He asks.

But he receives no response. He simply shrugs his shoulders, assuming everyone is tired today.

Thinking about it, it's Sunday. They should be resting at home but they're working instead. Except for Ohm who is on a day off and Prem, who has to meet his groupmates to make a project.

It's indeed one quite dreary morning.

Or perhaps Earth is the only one who thinks this way.

Since last night, Ohm and Fluke haven't been able to talk. Ohm's been avoiding Fluke.

While the other three seemed to be concerned.

Boun gives the two a brief glance. Ohm is eating his breakfast with his attention fixed on it, while the other one is silently zoning out on his.

It causes Boun to slightly purse his lips. Something is wrong, he's sure. Different this time.

It actually surprised him how Ohm easily forgave Fluke after he had stood him up. He'd make Fluke apologize a hundred times if it were up to him. But he remained cool and calm throughout the next few days. And it now seems to be a serious case. He knows it's wrong, but why does he keep seeing the days before Kao and Earth broke up in them now?

The day he's been wishing not to happen has come. He ends up sighing then quietly kicks Fluke on the leg, startling the other, who turns at him with a horrified expression on his face.

"Eat." He simply mouths when he gets his attention.

Fluke then nods slowly before casting a glance at the man next to him. His lips curve down slightly.

Why won't you talk to me? Why aren't you putting food on my plate for me?

He keeps asking in his mind, staring at his plate with worry in his eyes.

Until someone suddenly put food on it. He looks up and it's Kao across him. The elder gives him a short smile and gestures him to eat before going back to his food.

Fluke can only breathe heavily as he starts eating.


The group just finished breakfast.

Prem and Kao have left already, leaving the other four in the house. Fluke is helping Earth in cleaning the table while he cleans the dishes when Ohm enters the kitchen and walks straight ahead to the refrigerator to get some water.

Fluke pauses for a moment, hesitating as he steals a glance at the guy drinking, before leaving the cloth in his hand on the table and cautiously approaches him.

He takes a silent deep breath, "Ohm, can we-"

"Ah... You guys... I'm gonna go to the library." He's cut off when Ohm speaks, looking at Earth and Boun, who's just entered the kitchen feeling the tension in the area.

Ohm leaves immediately after saying that, with Fluke remaining there, staring blankly into space. He clearly does not want to talk.

"What's wrong?" Earth asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He then faces him, a tear in his eye, he mumbles, "Earth..."


after all . ohmflukeWhere stories live. Discover now