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Fluke lies down on the bed, a blanket wrapped over him. He lets out a sudden deep breath as he thinks of everything that has happened today.

He wants to cry, having to feel a mix of emotions. He isn't sure if he is in pain, irritated, sad, or weak, or if he is all of these. Right now, he just desperately wants Ohm by his side. But he can't reach him.

"What a terrible day." He whispers under his breath,

Unexpectedly, he hears his doorknob twisting, following with few footsteps. He pushes his blanket down and notices Ohm standing close to his bed.

"What are you doing in here?" Fluke asks, sitting up as the other comes closer and sits on the side of his bed.

Ohm looks him in the eyes and says, "I'm sorry." He reaches for his arm and gently rubs it.

"What are you sorry for?" Fluke asks softly.

"...for, ignoring you this morning, upsetting you,"

Fluke bites his lower lip and blinks a few times, trying to keep his emotions under control. Actually, the moment he sensed Ohm enter his room, all of his frustration fades, leaving only pain and the need for him. He suddenly craves to be showered with his kisses and hugs.

"You were so mean to me..." He mutters before lightly thumping Ohm on his chest, scowl more.

"I know, I'm really sorry... I just couldn't control myself--I didn't know what to do... I knew it was foolish of me to be jealous when I spotted you and Blue talking, but I couldn't even pretend to be okay."

"Why didn't you just talk to me?"

"Because I know I was just being immature, and what you did was perfectly fine... You may have found me irrational because of that and be angry with me, but I realized not talking about it is also not correct.."

"But, as I said, I have no feelings for him... Do you have any doubts about me?"

"No, I don't. I trust you, you know that. The problem is me, that I am insecure and can't shake it off... There are a lot of guys who are similar to you, and I'm not one of them. I sometimes feel as if I could lose you any time because of that. I can't even treat you right. Those guys who want you, you're likely to get along with them better..."

"...but I want you, Ohm. Only you. I don't care if we're complete opposite or whatever... I just want you. I only want to be with you."

Ohm is at a loss for words in response to Fluke. When he looks into the other's moist eyes, he finds sincerity. Fluke just wants him, and it erases all of his doubts about himself, filling his heart with assurance.

"...why are you crying?" Ohm asks softly, he notices a tear falls down on the other's face.

"...sometimes I hate you, " He simply replies with a scowl, rubbing his eyes to wipe his tears, but Ohm stops him by whispering, "Don't rub your eyes." smiling, he gently wipes Fluke's tears before pulling him into a tight hug.

"Let's not be like this again, please," Fluke whispers softly his boyfriend's ear, quickly receiving a nod.


Morning. Fluke is awakened by the feeling of lips repeatedly touching his forehead. He slowly opens his eyes and raises his head, finding Ohm smiling and warmly staring at him.

"Good morning," He greets.

Fluke's lips curl into a huge smile as he moves closer to his love and squeezes him even harder.

He inhales and exhales deeply, feeling light and happy in an indescribable way. Yeah, is this contentment?

This is one of the few times in his life when he can say he can disappear happy... well, as long as his boyfriend goes with him.

after all . ohmflukeWhere stories live. Discover now