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Fluke dashes up to Ohm and hugs him from behind when he spots him walking alone to the parking elevator.

It made Ohm stop from walking. He turns around to face the other before giving him a short smile.

"Where's the meeting place?" The taller asks as they begin walking together to the car.

"Note Cafe," the other simply replies before he opens the car door and gets immediately in, waits for the other one to get in so they can leave.

Ohm gets in the car without a word, the other watching everything he does, with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he starts the car.

"Nothing..." The other replies as he settles into his seat

Ohm gets his phone to look for the said cafe's location, "The cafe's near, call me when you're done..."

"Are you coming to get me?"

His brows furrow and answer, "Why would I do that? I'm not your driver."

Fluke laughs seeing him pouts while talking. "You're so cute, Ohm," he remarks.

He replied with a loud sigh making Fluke frowns.

"Hey, aren't you going to return the compliment?"

Ohm then pulls one of his hands away from the handwheel and reaches Fluke's cheek, gently pinching it. His eyes remain fixed on the lane.

It made Fluke smile, widely, even though he knows Ohm won't see it.

He deeply desires to love and be loved by this person.

He likes him so much, that it hurts.

But no matter how much he likes him, he can't do anything about it.

He can't have him.

The smile fades on Fluke's face, still staring at the driver.

He's sure now, he'll never love someone else. It'll just be Ohm.

Should I still go on that date? He asks himself biting his inner lip, shifting his gaze on the road.

He moves his fingers anxiously, he doesn't know what to do.

Yet he doesn't want to fool himself anymore.


If he sees any sign, he will definitely not go to that date.

"I think we're here,"

"Huh?" He takes a glance at Ohm. He has not expected them to arrive so soon.

"Note Cafe, it says there," The other points to the building's sign.

Fluke scratches his head before nodding slowly. He didn't see any sign, which means he has to go.


"Ohm... Should I go to that date?" He suddenly asks Ohm and looks at him directly in the eyes.

The other gulps, unable to answer for a few seconds. "Uh... I'm not sure... Depends on---"

Fluke lets out a low groan of dissatisfaction. "Just- forget it," he says before he opens the door to leave the car.

He even hears Ohm says, "Call me." as he gets out.

Watching the car till it disappears from his sight, Fluke just stands in his place, thinking.

after all . ohmflukeWhere stories live. Discover now