Chapter 13 Alya Checks Up on Him

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      Nino's  POV:

     "Alya, I am not feeling that great."

       He coughs.  "A-Achoo!  Achoo! Achoo!"

      "You will catch it."

         Alya rolls her eyes.  "Do not be silly."           


           Alya's POV:

          "Do you need anything?"

          She sees him place a hand on his chest.

             Strange, she did not think he was that bad off.

            "It is not chest pain is it?"  


              "No.  I just do not get why you are being so nice to me."

              "Ha, we are friends. I  could not stay mad forever.  I am sorry."

                  Nino looks at her in surprise.  Alya smiles.

                    "Here, I will tell you, what. I will go see if there is any orange juice in the kitchen, be right back."


                   Alya goes and checks the refrigerator. She sees the orange juice. 

                   She pours two glasses. She drinks out of the first one and places it in the sink. 

                 The other she takes to Nino, along with a box of kleenex, some cough drops, and zinc.

                      "Nino, here is the orange juice."

                       She watches him drink the juice.  She places the kleenex on the nightstand next to his bed.  Then, she hands him the zinc. She makes sure the cough drops are left where he may reach them. 

                   "Oh, and the band says to take it easy. This way you will be all better by the time the next concert takes place. They did mention  it will be a few weeks away."

                  Nino's POV:
                    He wonders, what did I do to deserve such hospitality?  

                  He knows, he was a horrible friend.   How was she to know he was not over his ex-girlfriend?   He was so rude to her, yet here she  is waiting on him.

                 He feels so bad about it.  Gosh, when he gets better, he owes her a thank you note,

                 He frowns it that enough?  Should he buy her some flowers?

              His head throbs, ugh, why does he feel so awkward now?

             He rolls over and goes to sleep.

           He does not pay attention as Alya fixes the blankets.


      Alya's  POV:
         "Sleep tight and get better soon, Nino." 

       Alya kisses his left wrist. She tiptoes over to the door and leaves.

          "He is asleep now. Make sure he takes some medicine when he wakes up and the zinc every 4 hours."

          Ashley nods her head.  "I am sure he will be better in no time.  Thanks for stopping by."

          Alya waves by to Nino's sister, and returns back to her place. She watches tv, but soon tires out and falls asleep.

   FInd out more in Chapter 14

    bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!



The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now