Chapter 15 Teasing Endlessly

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     Ashley's  POV:

     She sees Nino return from Alya's place. She knows he had flowers with him earlier.

    "So where have you been, brother?"

        "Alya was absent from the concert, so I asked one of her friends for her address and took the roses to her," Nino explains.

          "I see, so when are you going to tell her?"  I admit I want to know so the complicatedness of Nino and Alya's relationship can end. It is driving me crazy due to the days and nights of his utter denial.

           "Tell her what? There is nothing to tell. I was returning the favor for a friend." Nino states.

         "I don't know about you, but usually a guy gives flowers to a girl when he likes her." She responds.  "And not for a favor. A favor is more like paying her bills if she is behind on them, or bringing her something she forgot at the store because she asked you to. But flowers that spell out you are serious about her."  She argues.

        "Serious about Alya? What, no she is a friend," Nino pipes up.

              "I refuse to talk to you when you are being like this. You are being pigheaded and stupid that's what," She scoffed. She walked off before she could get even more annoyed with him.

*Author's note: Good grief, Nino you sound as bad as Adrien did before he finally admitted he liked Marinette and asked her out. What is your problem, young man?

       Ashley returned to her room, turned on some music, and screamed. She was so ticked off with him right now it was not even funny. That is it, she thought, if he won't admit his feelings then I will have to help him out. 

      Operation get him to speak the truth is a go!  She smiled as she got on her YouTube channel and uploaded a video of Nino ringing Alya's doorbell with the roses. She captioned the video "Is this what you do for a sick friend? Or is it love?" She made sure to draw out the love part.

   Then, she blogged about it and added a photo of him standing beside Alya's bed handing her orange juice.  She felt it spoke volumes. Nino appears to be blushing while poor Alya looks pitiful due to the head cold, and possible fever.

        Take that brother, she thought. She hoped for views on both sites to help her with teasing him.  She also sent a list of a copy of a partial poem she saw he had written for Alya to the local newspaper. She told them to introduce it as  "A Poem For My Sweetheart by Nino Lahaffe." 

       Let the teasing begin!  Ashley thought.

   Sure enough the next day, there were lots of posts on the blog and comments to the video, and even a few people who called in to speak to the newspaper editor asking about the Guitar boy and his girlfriend.

  Nino's POV:

     Nino saw the editorial section of the paper and this was his reaction, "Agh!" He saw the half-completed poem and nearly panicked. How had the paper gotten ahold of his poem?  Why had they published it?  He was not finished yet. Besides, it was private, or meant to be and now everyone could see it. He was never going this down.

    He then got a text from Max.

         The text read...Hey, Nino, man...nice roses you brought to your sweetie.  Now the trouble is my girlfriend wants to know when I am bringing her some?  Look what you have started dude.

       Before Nino could respond to the text message, he got an incoming message from Adrien.

       Adrien's text...It is about time man. You get her, Tiger! Grrr...

         The rest of the band sent all kinds of playful banter, but Lila was furious.  

     "Nino, what's so great about her? What does she have that I don't?" Lila whined when she called him.

  "Let me see, she has a great personality, she does want me because I am famous, or care about looking good for my image, need I say more?"  Nino said into the phone.

        He had no idea the whole thing was a setup.

            "Nino, you can't me to tell me you like this other girl?" Lila whines again.

           "Oh, one more thing, she doesn't whine like a little immature toddler unlike you, " Nino told her.

             Lila hung up. She laughed. She couldn't care less that Nino was no longer interested in her. She was only doing this as a favor. Ashley had been by her place earlier that day and given her $40.00 to get Nino to cave.  So, Lila took the money and did as Ashley told her. 

            Nino had no idea. He smiled. He was glad to have told Lila off.

*Author's note: Nino was clueless that he had admitted to his ex-girlfriend the truth. Boy, is he a dense boy or what?

   Anyway, Nino went about his day. As he went to the park, his friends saw him.

    "Hey, Nino, where are you headed?  To go give Alya a smooch?"  They teased him and laughed.

      "Yeah, Nino you better pucker up for her," Lila sneered. She thought the whole thing to be rather amusing.

        "That is none of your business," Nino fumed. He walked off in a huff.

       The whole time someone recorded him speaking to his friends, and saw his reaction. They followed him, and he did not even seem to notice. He was embarrassed, he did not stop to try to figure out who started this trail in the first place.  He arrived at Alya's. He hesitated before he rang the doorbell. No one answered right away, so, he left, but not before leaving a note behind one of the shrubs. He went home rather disturbed by the entire experience.

   Why on earth was everyone teasing him nonstop?  Did he do something wrong?  He sat on a bench and sighed. Well, now Alya would know he wrote a poem for her. That wouldn't be so bad except for the caption that it was under the newspaper. Besides, he had wanted to give that to her himself; preferably once she was better, and he had completed it.


The story continues in Chapter 16

Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!

Author's note: Good day this chapter is long. Well, I hope you enjoyed the update because it took me quite a while to come up with a decent idea for this chapter. So, anywhere here it is.






The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now