Chapter 10 Alya Gives Nino the Silent Treatment

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      Two weeks later, the band plays at a concert in town again. Nino notices Alya sits in the third row toward the front as usual and thinks, good she still came.  He does not pay attention to the fact she claps less than she used to.  He is far too busy with his guitar.

       Rose claps for the banjo player, she thinks wow Max is getting good at this.

      The concert continues for a few more hours.  Alya waves at the band, she cheers but not as much.  She does not smile much this time.   She sighs and looks at the ground every once in a while.

     Later, when it ends everyone claps and cheers for the whole band as they normally do each time.

   After the concert, Nino sees Alya and says,  "Hi, Alya!"  He blushes.

     Alya walks past him without a word. She does not glance his way even instead she leaves.

     Nino thinks, what just happened?  DId Alya just ignore me?

       Nino's  POV:
  He packs up his instruments. He finishes and can not believe Alya did not speak to him.

    He is furious, how dare she?  He can not believe she just throws their friendship away as if it means nothing.

    He goes home and sulks for a bit. He is so angry.

     Alya arrives at her place in no time. She does not check her text because she does not want to respond to any Nino leaves her.  She is still ticked off with him for what happened two weeks ago.

        Alya's POV:
     She thinks the nerve of that guy!  She can not get how he can act like nothing is wrong.  

      She will not let him get away with it.  No one tries to kiss her, then friend zones her, and gets away with it.  

 Alya's  POV:

  No, he has messed with the wrong girl.  He has barked up the right tree.  He will pay for what he has done.

   She determines to keep on with the silence no matter what it takes. This is it, girl, you stand your guard. Do not let him think he can play with your feelings so easily.

   Alya's POV:
  She thought he was different.  Different, ha as if!  He just a jerk like all the other boys in her life she ever got close to.  She has had it with men.  She will never let herself get heartbroken by one again.

  Alya's  Flashback...

  "Ashley, she is just a friend,"  Nino says.

  Alya overhears it since she is in the same room as them. She feels her heartbreak at his words.  A friend that is all she is to him?

    Alya runs outside and stands there in shock, she thought for sure she was more to him.

   Alya goes back inside after a while, slaps him, yells at him, and goes home.

 End of  Flashback...

Alya hates him. She rather speak to a cow or a tree than to him.  She can not believe he would dare to speak to her after what he did.

The chapter was published on December 23, 2019, and the edits were made to the chapter on January 19, 2021.

The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now