Chapter 9 Alya Meets Nino's Little Sister

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     A few days later at the next concert, Nino plays hard in the band. Alya waves at him from the crowd.  She wonders does Nino like her?  She sighs and daydreams about Nino.

    Marinette notices Alya looks rather happy today. She wonders what is up with her best friend.

   "The music is cool!"  Kim and Alix says.

    Aurore waves at Robert, Rose waves at Max, Sam at Lila, and Chloe at Nathaniel.   Juleka smiles impressed at how well Ethan plays the drums, along with the rest of the band members at their instruments and Robert does well at his singing.

  Lila plays the flute rather annoyed with Sam right now.

   After the concert, "Alya you ready?" Nino asks.

   "Ready for what?"  Alya asks.

   "Sorry, my little sister is in town for a visit and asks to meet you," Nino says.

   "Why would your sister want to meet me?" Alya asks.

     "I do not know I mean I was surprised as you when she told me this. She is sixteen," Nino says.

    "I  posted the photo of us on Instagram yesterday and Twitter,"  Nino says.

    "What, why would you do this?" Alya asks.

    "Sorry, I will delete it," Nino says.

   "No, it is okay, you can leave it up." Alya remarks.

       Nino and Alya arrive at his place. He unlocks the door and they go inside.  He smiles at Alya as they enter the living room.  He leans in and is about to kiss Alya when someone walks in on them.

  "Nino, Nino, excuse me earth to Nino!" She says.

    "Nino, who is she?"  Ashley asks.

   "Oh, sorry Ashley, this is Alya," Nino says.

   "Hi, Ashley it is so good to meet you," Alya says.

    "Same here, though I must say I am surprised. My big brother here never said how pretty you are girl."  Ashley remarks.

      "Thanks, Ashley!  So, why did you want to meet me?"  Alya asks.

       "Well, ever since Nino met you he has talked about you almost nonstop," Ashley says.

       "I would even say my brother here is smitten."  Ashley teases him.

     "Ashley, how could you say such a thing?" Nino asks.

     "What?  I am only saying this because it is true," Ashley says. She thinks if I had not walked in on them my brother would have kissed her.

      "Look, Ashley!  Alya and I are just good friends," Nino says.

    "What, that is how you see me, N-Nino?"  Alya asks. She runs outside in a hurry. 

     "Now, look what you have done Nino you should be ashamed of yourself," Ashley says.

     "Alya sees herself as more than just a fan to you,"  Ashely tells him.     

      "It is so obvious she likes you. For that matter you like her," Ashley says. She walks into her room annoyed greatly with her brother.

      Nino pulls his hat down over his face, he knows he likes Alya, but could it be true could he truly feel more about her than he thought he did?

      Outside Alya stands there with her jaw dropped, she thinks, Is it true? Does Nino see me as just a friend?   She sighs. 

    A few minutes later she goes inside and looks at Nino angrily.

 "Nino, it was nice to meet your sister. However, friend, I think I will be going now." She says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Alya, I never meant to hurt you. I am just not ready for a serious relationship yet." Nino says.

   "Ok, well call me when you are then!  In the meantime, here,"  Alya says. She slaps him twice. "That is for breaking my heart," Alya remarks and walks away.

    Alya goes home sad and confused. She thought Nino had begun to see her in a different light. She goes to her bedroom, sits on her bed, and thinks, how could I be so wrong?   I love him!   I thought he felt the same way, but I guess I was wrong.

    Dear Journal,

  Today was a complete disaster.  After the concert, Nino took me to meet his sister.  I thought this meant he liked me. Turns out I was wrong, he called me his friend in front of Ashley his teenage sister.    How could he?

    We almost kissed until Ashley walked in on us.  Why does he see me as just a friend?  I wish he felt the same about me as I do about him.  I love him!

   I guess it is true then, what people say, Musicians and fans never mix.

Maybe, someday he will come around, but until then I have to stay clear of him. Not sure how, but I have too. It hurts too much to be that close and yet so far away.

   Now, I know how my father must have felt years ago when he first met my mother.

   Glad my mother fell for my father over time.  However, I think Nino is a lost cause.  I might as well give up on him.

-Alya Cesaire

"Well, that is it," Alya says as she closes her journal up for the day. She sighs.

    Meanwhile, Nino feels so stupid now.  How could he let this happen?   He never meant to hurt Alya and yet somehow he had done that very thing. To bad too, because he recalls the pizza they shared yesterday. It was one of the best days of his life. He blushes.

   "Could what Ashley said be true?  Did he love Alya and just deny it?"  Nino asks himself.

     Nino laughed and thought no way.  He is a musician and she is a fan. 

     Everyone knew musicians and fans should not date it was a conflict of interest.

        Nino was right they were better this way. He was sure of it.

The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now