Chapter 5 Alya Meets Her Crush in Person?

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     One month later,  The band is in the Paris arena ready to play again.  Alya sits down in her usual seating area. She figures she might as well since her friends are here to support her.  What else could she ask for?

      Chloe, her boyfriend, Nathaniel, and Chole's adopted daughter, Sarah down directly behind Alya, Adrien, and Marinette. Katie sits the back row beside Kevin, Ethan sits beside Juleka, then rose, and Mylene and Ivan.  Sabrina sits by herself with Kim and Alix across from her.

     This time when the band starts Lila has a far off look on her face. She looks ticked off about something.  The soloist Robert sings as the band plays the songs, and Aurore cheers him on from her seat in the second row.

    During the last song, Lila growls at Alya, but no one seems to notice. Everyone claps and cheers for the music group as usual.  "Thanks for coming everyone and have a good night!" Robert says, then packs up his microphone, while the band members pack away their instruments.

    Lila notices Alya sticks around for a while now that the band is done for the evening. She is not too happy about it either.  "Why are you still here?" Lila asks.

     Alya does not say anything. She does not think this rude Burnette with the orange tips to it has the right to know anything. 

     "It is your fault, he broke up with me is it not?"  Lila asks angrily. She points an accusatory finger at Alya.

      "I honestly do not know what you are talking about Lila,"  Alya says.

     Lila slaps Alya hard across the face, "That is for stealing my boyfriend, you tramp!" She yells at her.

     "Lila, what is the meaning of this?"  Nino asks.

     "She called me ugly names and slapped me first,"  Lila lies and fake cries.

      "She is lying I did not do anything," Alya says.

    "I believe you sorry about that Miss, Lila can be a bit of handful at times,"  Nino remarks.

     "She is just angry because I broke up with her a month ago,"  Nino tells her.

    "I  am sorry, " Alya says. Her jaw drops in surprise at the news.

    "Do not be, I know I am not.  Lila and I did not get along that well anyway.  Besides, she cheated on me,"  Nino says.

     "Nino, babe, can we just get back together, I am way better than her,"  Lila whines.

    "Lila, get away from me!"  Nino yells at her.

     Lila walks away still angry with Nino for dumping her and is jealous of Alya too. She pouts on her way out the door.

     The other band members go home too.

    "So, sorry about that Miss, are you okay?  By the way, I am Nino and you are?"  He asks. He offers her hand for her to shake it.

     "Alya Cesaire, but my friends call me Alya or Allie," She says.

    "Wow, well it is great to meet you, Alya!"  Nino says and shakes her hand.

   "Nice, to finally meet you too, Nino!  Bye," Alya says, then leaves.

        Nino watches her go, and thinks, she is cute.  He shakes his head, there is no way he is not her;  he just met her for crying out loud.

       Alya goes home, she can not believe it;  he spoke to her!  Her crush spoke to her.  She thinks about it more and realizes he shook her hand too.  She can not wait to tell Marinette.

      Alya's  POV:

  She smiles as she enters her room. She can not seem to stop smiling.  She looks around in amazement with the knowledge that today was amazing.  She never thought that this day would come or at least not in real life.  Yet, she Alya Cesaire had met and spoken to her crush.  

    She sighs, and thinks, he is a great guy. She secretly wishes she could tell him how she feels. She shakes her head no that would be a bad idea.  Besides, he only dumped his girlfriend a month ago and might not be ready to see anyone else.


The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now