Chapter 14 Absentee Fan

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       Nino's  POV:

         Nino is much better now.  Yes, it has been a few days since he was out sick. He is all set for the next gig. He can hardly wait to see the look on Alya's face tonight. He smiles.

         He shakes his head as his sister teases him about the flowers.

        "Ashley, I am telling you it is just a thank you for helping me when I was sick."

         "Sure, whatever you say, brother." Ashley rolls her eyes and walks away.

          Nino can not see why his sister makes such a big deal out of it.  It is not as if he has any interest in Alya.  He tries to convince himself of this but finds it is harder than he thought.

          He arrives at the place where tonight's concert is to take place. He makes sure the roses are kept somewhere special. This way, he can surprise Alya with them afterward.

           The rest of the Band's  POV:

           The others expect Lila think it is sweet that Nino brought the flowers.  

          They all believe that Nino needs to confess to Alya already. They know Alya likes him.

              "Time to get started!"

              The Audience's  POV:

                  Everyone in the crowd cheers as the band comes out. They cheer louder as the music starts.   They notice right away the front row is a better emptier than normal.  No one thinks to ask about the absent girl except for Marinette.

              "Adrien, have you seen Alya?"

             "No, but maybe she is late."

          Marinette calls Alya.  

    "Hi, Alya, where are you? The concert started, and you are not here. I mean that is, so unlike you. So, what is it?"      

        Alya's POV:
          Alya hears her phone ring. She almost hits the silent button but sees it is from her best friend, Marinette.

             "Oh, hi, Marinette!"  

         She tries not to sound bad, despite the sore throat, headache, fatigue, and cough.

         "Alya, you sound awful!"  She hears Marinette say.

         "I am awful."  

        She coughs again.

     "A-Achoo!  Achoo! "  Sneezes

     "I think I might have caught Nino's cold."

     Alya hears Marinette's laughter over the phone.

     "It is not funny, Marinette. I am out sick."

       "Ok, well get better soon, Alya."

       "Thank you, Marinette."

   Alya hangs up.

      Marinette's  POV:
         She thinks poor Alya caught Nino's cold.

       She admits it is rather amusing.

       Well, anyway, she might as well enjoy her date.  So, she does.

         Narrator's  POV:

        Later after the concert ends all the fans head home.

           Nino looks for Alya but does not see her anywhere in sight.

       Nino's  POV:

       "Guys, gals, where is Alya?"

         "Your number one fan, was a no-show," The others explain.

              "The freak did not come, well too bad for her."  Lila scoffs.

              "Do not ever call her freak, again!" 

                 He tightens his fist. He does not punch her.  

                  "Got it?"

               Nino sees Lila nod her head, then she walks away.

                  He leaves the place unsure where to take the flowers. It is not like he ever went to Alya's place before now.  He hasn't the foggiest idea how to find it either.

               He goes home. He google searches the name Alya Ceasaire.

       His search shows two results. The first one shows an address a long distance away, the second one rather close by.  He clicks on the close-by address.

                Nino goes to see Alya. He goes straight to her room after her roommate lets him inside.

                    "Alya, it is not much, but here. I hope you like them. Thank you for helping me when I was out sick.   Now it seems I owe you a favor."

                  At her protest, Nino assists her anyway.   "Nonsense, what kind of friend would I be if I did not?"

                  He hands her some orange juice, medicine, and zinc.  He gives her a box of Kleenex and readjusts her pillow for her.      

                  "I  hope you do not mind if I stay."

             Alya's  POV:

            "I am afraid I not much company."

            "A-achoo!  A-Achoo!"  

            She coughs again too.

            "Sorry, I caught  your cold from a few weeks ago."

             Nino hugs her.  

               "Sorry, you caught my rotten cold."

              "Ah, it is nothing."

             Nino kisses her forehead.   He smiles as she dozes off.

            He leaves so she can get some rest.

          Find out more Chapter 15

          Bye-bye, bye little owlets!

      -Summer out!

The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now