Chapter 7 More Rotten Stuff Comes Out about Lila

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   Aurore smiles as Robert sings. She believes he is the best singer she has ever heard in her life.  "Does not Robert sing well?" Aurore gushes.

  "Yes, your boyfriend sounds great," Chole says.

   Nathaniel glares at Chloe, he does not like the attention Robert gets from his girlfriend.  

     "The band is all good,"  Marinette and Adrien say together.

    "What is that flutist problem? She seems to be in a horrible mood, lately." Chole scoffs.

    "Chloe do not worry about it. I hear she got dumped by her boyfriend a month ago,"  Sabrina says.

    "Yes, that is my girl, you can do it, Lila!" Sam cheers loudly for the flutist.

    As the band plays, Lila blushes when she sees Sam in the crowd.  The band plays for a bit longer, the instrument players pack their instruments up in their cases as usual, and the soloist stores his microphone.

     Aurore and Robert leave together, as usual, Nathaniel leaves with Chole, and Sarah goes with them, then the other couples exit the place too.  

     Sam comes backstage to speak to Lila.  "Lila, how are you sweetheart?" Sam asks.

    "What are you doing here?"  Lila asks.

   "Relax, Lila!  I only wanted to make sure my beautiful girlfriend is okay,"  Sam says.

    "Yes, I am great darling!  How are you?"  Lila says.

   "Glad, to hear it now let us go!"  Sam says.

     "Boyfriend, Lila how long have you been with him?  I know we broke up, but how long have you dated him?"  Nino asks furiously.

      "Sam and I have been together, six great months, and I love him,"  Lila says.

      "Lila, I do not think you know the meaning of the word love, one time you claimed you loved me, then you cheated on me, and we broke up.  Now, you finally admit you did it." Nino says.

       "You dated someone while we were together, how dare you!  When I date a girl I make sure never to cheat on her."  Nino yells at Lila.

        "Now, I see it was right to call it off with you because you were the worst girlfriend ever," Nino remarks.

     "I wish you and Sam the best, now get out of here!"  Nino yells at them both.

     "Thanks,  I guess. Sorry, I was rotten to you before, and tell Alya hi for me!"  Lila says. She and Sam leave together.

      After Sam and Lila left, Nino looks for Alya but can not find her anywhere. He sighs and heads home.

   Alya went home after the concert, she decided it was for the best. 

The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now