Chapter 8 Alya Eats Pizza with her Crush?

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      The next day, Alya gets a text on her phone. She looks at it, but does not recognize the number. She is in the park with Marinette.

     "Alya why did not you answer the text you just received?"  Marinette asks.

     "I am not sure who sent it because the number is one I have not seen before today," Alya says.

        "Let me see it,"  Marinette remarks.

       "Sure," Alya hands Marinette her phone.

     Marinette looks at the text, but does not recognize the number either. She hands it back to Alya.

     "Well, do you know who could it sent it, Marinette?"  Alya asks.

     "No, sorry, Alya!  I have no idea who it is either,"  Marinette tells her.

          Adrien arrives at the park.  "Hi, Marinette!  Ready for our date?"  Adrien asks.

       "Yes, be right there! Bye, Alya!"  Marinette says. 

       "Have fun on your date, you two!  Bye,"  Alya says.

            After Adrien and Marinette, left Alya feels a tap on her shoulder.  She has no idea who it could be that stands behind her.

         "Ah," Alya screams.

       "Alya, I am sorry, I never meant to scare you," Nino says.

      Alya turns around and sees Nino standing there looking at her. 

 "Oh, it is only you, what are you doing here?" Alya asks. She blushes.

    "I was on a walk, and I  saw you,"  Nino says.

     "I thought I should come over and say hello, so anyway how are you?"  Nino remarks.

     "Good, but you owe me big time for scaring me like this,"  Alya says.

      "Ok, would you like to go to get a pizza?"  Nino asks.

      "Are you asking me out?" Alya asks. 

     "No, I just want to take a fan out to make it up to her for scaring her," Nino remarks.

     "Ok, sounds good," Alya says. She sighs and thinks why is Nino so cute?

      "Come on Alya!"  Nino says.

    "Ok, sure coming," Alya says.

 Later at the pizza restaurant,  "Hi, I am Becky and I  will be your waitress for today,"  Becky says.

    Nino requests a table in the back of the place.  Becky shows them to the table, and hands them the menus. "I will be right back to take your orders,"  Becky says and walks away.

    Alya takes a look at the menu.  Nino does the same.

    "How does a pepperoni pizza sound to you?"  Nino asks.

    "I love pepperoni pizza,"  Alya says.

     Nino gives a sigh of relief.  "Good, I am glad you are not a vegetarian,"  Nino says.

   "Hi, do you and your girlfriend know what you would like to order?"  Becky asks.

    "Yes, but she is not my girlfriend.  She and I are just friends,"  Nino says.

     "Yes, like he said we are just friends," Alya says. She thinks I wish we were more than friends.

     "Anyway, we will take the large pepperoni pizza with fresh Parmesan,"  Nino says.

    "Oh, and two drinks, iced tea,"  Nino says.

      "Ok, what kind of crust for the pizza?" Becky asks.

" Thin crust,"  Alya and Nino answer together.

   Becky nods her head, writes a  note down on the notepad again, and goes to take more orders.

"Alya what got you started hearing the band play?"  Nino asks.

   "I came to the first concert ever for me a few years ago.  My best friend, Marinette had given me a ticket for it. She was busy so I came alone," Alya says.

    "I enjoy the band's music," Alya remarks.

   "Glad, you like the music then," Nino says.


Twenty minutes later the pizza is ready.  "Here, hope you enjoy it.  I still think you would make a good couple,"  Becky says.  She also gives them a refill on their drinks, a few napkins, some paper plates, and forks.

    Nino takes a bite, "The pizza is good,"  He says.

   "Yes it sure is,"  Alya says.

   After they finish their food, Nino pays for it despite Alya's protest. They leave the restaurant together.  Nino takes a photo with Alya and posts it to his Instagram account without telling her. He post a copy of it to Twitter too.

"Nino that was fun!  You would not happen to know who sent me this?"  Alya says and shows him her text she got earlier that day.

    "Oh, I sent that to you, I hope you do not mind,"  Nino says.

   "Ok, well I was rather surprised.  See you at your next concert, Nino!   Thanks for the pizza, bye!" Alya says. She blushes.

"Yes, see you there in the third row as usual!  Bye, Alya!" Nino says and blushes.


The Guitarist and The Fan AU by Summer Cheng.Where stories live. Discover now