Ch.2 Regret From The Past

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No one Pov:

As our favourite coffee addicted teacher and teas loving satan himself have finally made it to Tartars and is on their way to the lowest level to meet their Villain Team for Nezu's little War Game

The army of security guards in purple uniform and golden name badge that was escorting them have stopped in front of a large metal door. Even though the door they can all smell the strong alpha homo from the two alphas that were kept inside that room

Some of the guards that are beta starting to shank like a leaf the alpha is not doing any better either

Their instant was telling the two pro hero to run.

Run as far away as their can and never return

Run like a little bitch with their tail in between their legs.

But the two pro hero did not listen to their instant that have save their life far too many time instead they did the opposite of it they go inside

There they see the 3 teens that they've fail to saved back then. Chain up and lock away in this dark and dim room not even a drop of sunlight can be seen here or any kind of light the only reason they can see them is because of the light from the hallway

" You two have 3 hours to talk to those villains after that you two will leave this place at once." Said one of the alpha guards as he stays outside the room and closes the door leaving the two pro heroes in the darkroom with really dim light

" Well hello, Nezu has been some time since we last see each other. " Said a soft voice a voice the two heroes have missed so damn much.

" Yes it sure has been a long time Izuku... " said Nezu with sadness and regret in each and every words

" Please Nezo don't blame yourself for what we have done...We are the one who did it...their blood is on our hands not yours...anyway why did you both come to visit us? There's no way the Commission will just let you two visit us without a reason " The little omega said again

" You see I'm planning to host the UA Hero vs Villain War Game again and it would only be for class 2A Aizawa's class. " said Nezu and all they got was a light giggle from the green hair boy

" Aizawa really did not expel the whole class? That new "

" Sadly I did not and I am regretting it now. Just because they survived a few villain attacks by the Leauge of Villain they let that get to their head and think they are the best " Hiss out Aizawa full of disappointment

" So that why you two are told the Commission that you want us to be the villains in this little War Game of yours? "

" Yes...That's the only way to make them see that there's always someone better than them out there. If they keep on being the way they are then there are no more hopes for the heroes...

As each year passes by more and more powerful heroes were born, but at the same time, they have become more power hungry than the last one. " Said Nezu with nothing but sorrow in his voice

" would you know this will work? " Ask the boy with concern in his voice for the little chimaera who once try his very best to save them

" I don't...that why this is their last chance to redeem themself if their fail then they will be expelled " Say Nezu

"...Nezu you know we will not go easy on them at all is that alright with you? "

" Why Of courses! That the reason I want you 3 to be in this War Game of mine! There's no point going easy on them if I want them to know that they are not at the top of the food chain at all" Said Nezu sounding happy that put a smile on the little omega face

" Is it only going to be the 3 of us in the villain team? "

" If you want you can ask some of your friends to join you but of course no real villain. " said the little Rat Satan

" Well then I would be happy to help you Nezu and Aizawa would you like to join us? "

" Why would you ask me to join you? " Ask the homeroom teacher

" Well because I know you well Aizawa. So I know that you been wanting to expel them for a long time now and have been putting up with them...So why not let you have some stress relief in the form of kicking their ass? " That has put a big smirk on the sleep deprivation teacher face

" You sure know me well Izuku I'll take you up on that offer. " Said the homeless man

" Well then we will be right back and when we do you three will be free again. " Said the little Satan fluffball that makes all three of the chain up boys nod

" We'll be waiting " Said Izuku as he watches the two pro hero walk out of the cold dark room and into the light up hallway

As the door close behind the two pro heroes the darkroom was soon full with a type of gas putting the three teens to sleep unwillingly

As they each passing out all three of them only have one thing in their mind...

" We are going to teach those heroes what the true meaning of fighting real villains...

If Nezu wants a War we will give them one that they can never forget...

After all, we are the nightmare that keeps the heroes awake at night...

We are the predator and they are our prey... "

With that in their mind, they all fall into a dreamless slumber and when they awake again they will have been let out of this cage that has been holding them for three years...

They have let the hero commission cage them here for three years but now they will be free again and they will never come back here anymore...

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