Ch.6 Visiting an old friend

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Izu Pov:

After I leave Nezu's Office I make my way back to our place Nezu have build of us under UA. We have our living quarter with a training area as well! Nezu even put in all kind of weapons for us and endless training dummy so we don't have to care we break too many of them 

I have told my teams about the rules and the meeting with Nezu and according to Aizawa that guy that was in the meeting was the little brother of the Turbo Hero Ingenium how disappointing he may have felt if he knows what his little brother has said to me

Anyway, I have asked Aizawa to train both Dabi and Hitoshi on their hand to hand combat all days when I look up and get as much information as I can on class 2A then I have to go meet an old friend...

A falling king that was betrayed and broken by the one who forces that crown on him

I make my way to the roof of UA and open my wings softly letting the cold night air run through my feathers I sure miss this feeling it really calming

But I know there's a feeling better than that so I close my eyes and jump

Letting myself free fall down the roof enjoying the rush of air then open my wings and fly up high into the sky and open my eyes again just to meet with the beautiful full moon shining brightly in the star full sky and I can't help but let out a smile I miss this feeling...

Being in the air again flying freely without anything tying me down and enjoying this breathtaking view that no one gets to see

I enjoy this moment a little bit more than I fly myself over to where my king was caged inside his house of memories...

A few minutes later I land on a big balcony on the second floor. I look through the big glass doors and see inside the master bedroom and what I see broke me...

My friend...

laying there on his oversize bed reminding him of what has been taken away from him.

My brother...

Looking so broken, so empty and so lost...

My King...

Who has fallen to the ground no longer can he fly to the very top of the world anymore...

It pains me to see him like this...

It hurt so much knowing I was not there by his side when he falls to catch him...

But I am here now...

I will help him fly again...

But this time he will fly freely without all those chains

I tap on the door softly letting him know that I'm here at first he did not hear my tapping

" Keigo " I call out to him softly he turns his head to face me and there I see the big burn mark on the left side of his face I can't help outlet out a gasp

Who could have done that to him! I would make them pay for it!

Soon I see his eyes wide open after seeing me then he run over and open the door I run in and hug him tightly making us both fall onto the floor

" Woo calms down baby bird did you miss me this much? " He said with a little chuckle but I can hear the pain he try so hard to hide

" Who... "

" Mmh? What do you mean? "

" Who did this to you? "

" not important " I look up at him how can he said that!!

" Not important?! The fuck with that!! It is fucking important!! Keigo they hurt you! They...they took away your wings! They...they..." I can't even finish what I want to said my tears start to fall and soon I start to cry. Soon I feel him pull me into an embrace as I cry into his chest

" Shhhhh baby bird don't cry....I'm not worth your tears " he said softly holding me close to him

" How can you say that Keigo? You are my friend! My brother! And most importantly you are my hero! " I look up at him still have tears falling out of my eyes he looked down at me shocked

" Keigo how are you ok with what they did to you? How are you not mad at them?! They train you and make you think you are a weapon! Chain you up so you can't be free and be who you are! Then after you have done all their dirty work for them they took everything from you! They drag your name through the mud!! " I shout at him crying sobbing mad at those who have hurt him...

He did not say anything just hugging me tightly having his face hidden on the crook of my neck but I can feel warm wetness so I hug him tightly wrapping my wings around us hiding us from this world who have hurt him so badly

" Please tell me who did this to you?... " I begged him to tell me who did this...

" Endeavor... The Commission told him..and the public that I...I've join the LoV and was a spy for the villain even if they are the one told me to join the LoV to spy for them...

I was attacked by him...calling me a villain...and other names I try my best to fight back and try to tell him the truth but...he did not listen to a word I said...he rips and burns my wings right in front of everyone. They all laughed at my pain...then he attacked me one last time trying to finish me off with a fireball...

When I awake again I was in the medical room that the Commission had and heal me enough and lock me here...

In this house of my...where the ceiling is so high up that I could fly around the house and my bed that I have it made for me so it would fit my wings....

It hurt so much...

To be here all alone...

After all I did for them...

This is what I get in return... "

He cries and cries pulling his heart out to me till he falls asleep. Each word he said just broke me more and more thought out the whole night I keep him close to me letting him know he is no longer alone anymore I am here for him

Soon the next morning come by I never move from the floor or let Keigo go I will never let them hurt him again...

" Mmmh? Baby bird? " Said Keigo still half asleep I can't help but let out a smile

" Morning Keigo " I slowly unwrap him from my wings and ask him a question that been on my mind all night

" Keigo if you could would you make them pay for what they did to you? "

" I would do anything to make them payback for everything " he hisses softly

" .....Even if the world will see you as a villain? "

" They already are baby bird...on their eyes I'm already a villain...all because I follow an order and did that stupid spy mission for them "

" Did you remember what I asked you before all of that mess happen? You never did give me an answer "

" .... "

He looks at me shocked then he gets on one knee and bow to me

" I Keigo Takami, vow on my life to only be loyalty to Izuku Midoriya and him alone. I will only follow his orders and I would die and give up my life willingly to protect him from any harm that may come his way " He vows his loyalty to me and soon there was a small white rose tattoo bloom on his collarbone

I let out a smile and wrap my wings around him sweetly and close my eyes as my wings start to growl a white colour

Soon the King of the sky will be back...

And when he did his enemies will fall painfully...

Those who have wrong him will learn in a painful way that they should have never hurt him

For he is Hawks

The man that rule over the sky 

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