Ch.4 Gamble of Faith

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Izuku POV:

It has been a few days after I have woken up and Granny been looking after us making sure all of us are all healthy and recovered from our time in Tartarus. 

Right now I am in bed with my alpha one on each side of me snuggling onto each other. We just miss each other so much...we may have been locked up in the same room together but being chain up far away from each other and watch them getting beaten and can't do anything is not good for our mind...not at all

Then the door open and in walk all the teacher from UA all of them but Nezu because he is still laying in the bed next to us wrap tightly in bandages because Granny refuse to use her quirk to heal him. After seeing Nezu like that the three of us agree on never make her mad...

 " Hello everyone it has been some time since we last met." I say softly  letting a smile come onto my face as I watch their face become shocked and disbelieve well everyone but Aizawa

" It good to see you three all heal up. " said the crazy cat lady that seems to bring everyone back from their shocked

" MY BABIES!!!! " " LITTLE LISTENERS!!!! " Come two shouting adult coming at us in top speed and jump onto the bed earning themself two low growls from my mates making the two teachers back away and me giggling

" Hehe it good to see you too Papa Mic and Mama Midnight " Yes I call them that we have a lot of dads and mums

" Will you both calm down? Or did you forget how will Izu's two mate react when you get close to them when they're having snuggling time with little Izu? " Said Snipe

" Hehe sorry about them...we have not been able to be with each other for three years now..." I said softly that also set off papa Mic and mama midnight again but they were holding back by Aizawa

" So I take it this is where the meeting is going to be? "

" Well we can't really have a meeting with Nezu being stuck in bed like this " Said Power Loader pointing at Nezu who is pouting in bed

" He deserves it " hiss Recovery Girl

" Anyway, why are they here? I mean they are still villains " Said All Might earning himself a lot of dead glare from all his coworker

" Well All Might they maybe villains now but not for long " Said Nezu that may us all look at him

" What do you mean Nezu? " I ask

" Well you see I manage to make a deal with the Commission. " he said happily

" A deal? " Asked Shinso one of my alpha

" With you? Are they that dumb? " follow up by Dabi my other alpha 

" Well you see them have a lot of faith in class 2A thinking that they could win the game so I mean a deal with them " 

" And? What is that deal that they so foolishly agreed on? " Asked Dabi

" Well if you three win the game you three will be attending UA alongside the other in 2A "

" And if we lose? " Ask Shinso

" I will hand UA over to them and let them do whatever they want with this school "

" WHAT?! " I shouted

" You can't be serious!! If you hand over UA to them then the future of heroes are doom!! Did you lose your mind!! " I jump up but my body is still too weak and I end up fall on top of Dabi who proceed to hug me tightly and Shinso hugging me from the side keeping me there

" clam down it Nezu he must have his reason. " Said Dabi leaving soft kissing on my cheek

" I agree with Dabi hear Nezu out ok? " Said Shinso nuzzling onto my neck softly

" Dawwwwww" Said papa Mic and mama Midnight

"....fine...I listen " I pout a little I can't say no when they acting like that

" Well I willing to put UA on the line is because I have faith in all three of you and I want to make up for our mistake and give all three of you another chance at being the heroes you three once wanted to be

I want to show the world that has pushed you three to become villains that you three are heroes! I want them to see what we all see here...

We have all fail you once in the past but never again I willing to put everything I have to just give you three a chance to prove them wrong about you three and change this world for the better but this time in the right way  " he smiled softly at the three of us well as much as his bandage face let him

" Nezu... " the three of us said his name softly don't know what to think of this...

To think he is willing to lose everything he works so hard for just for us to have a chance to become heroes that we dream to be and change this mess up world...

Before we know what we were doing all three of us have got off our bed and hug the living daylight out of our future overlord of the world

" Thank you...for believing in us..." We said softly hugging him more then we let go of him as we see Recovery Girl walking over to us and kiss him on the forehead healing him fully with her quirk

" Really Nezu? Did you believe in them over our students? Really and to think people call you the smartest creatures in the world " Said All Might as he walks out the door making the three of us hiss at him

" He never changed did he " Shinso hiss out

" Is it bad that I was wishing AFO could have taken him out along with him? " hiss Dabi as his deadly blue flame dance around him

" No, I am tempted to finish the job that my dearest father have started " I hiss lowly as my wing puff up a bit and my tail opening up

 " All of you will do not such things " Said Recovery Girl

" Not until the Game started then you can do whatever you want with him " Said Nezu

" NEZU NO! " said Recovery Girl

" Nezu Yes! " said Nezu

" Anyway am I the only one having no idea what this game they been talking about is? " Said Hound Dog with worry all over his voice and face which is reasonable after all Nezy's game never are a good idea 

" Oh it the UA Heroes vs Villains WAr Game Of course! " Say Nezu happily 

" WHAT?!!!! " All the teacher shouted again beside Alice in Slumberland

" Chiyo please hit some senes into him " Said Snipe

" What do you think I was doing a few days ago? " 

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