Ch.17 Day 1 - TrashDay

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Izuku Pov:

After the little talk we had, we are now out for the hunt to take down the so called former number one heroes, the symbol of peace or humanity's strongest hero. But I call him a blonde bebo who forgot he himself was once a weak quirkless and was looking down on by everyone, until a goddess call Nana mother fucking Shimura see that there is more to him and train him and give him the oh so powerful quirk knows as One For All the brother quirk to my father All For One.

Then we have the now number one worst father of the year and that is a lot coming from me when my father is AFO the worst villain of all time, the big bad end game boss in Tomura languages. I mean that guy just left mum and I when I was still a small hatchling but for his reason, he was trying to get the heroes off us and keep us safe...

I don't know but I thank taking us with him into hiding it better than growling up without a dad than just find out he was a big time villain who also has adopted a son who has so many issues you would think he is a Todoroki

Anyway with me right now on the hunt are Keigo after all he still has something to do with that flaming Mr All Might obsessing wife beating children abusing second best number one hero Endeavor himself. After that, he will go back to base to keep it safe right now Neito is keeping watch he will be joining us when Keigo is done with Endeavor

Neito will be with us to fight Mr I forgot who I once was because Nana gives me an overpowering quirk and give up her life so he can be safe. So that he can become the next symbol of peace and he did but on the way, he has forgotten about everything and let the power and fame got to him

Oh Dadzawa is with us as well but he will not be fighting just to use his quirk to mess with both the pro heroes that all

Dabi is also with us. Him and Keigo will be the main ones fighting Endeavor when I am mostly just there to make sure he doesn't run away and Toshi is there to make sure no one will come in and get in the way of their's revenge. After that, we will move on to All Might with me being the main one fighting him

" I find him~ He is by the old All Might roller coaster " Said Keigo from the earpiece

" Got it " After I said that I fly to where that roller coaster is and meet up with everyone

All of us meet up somewhere just far enough away so he will not know we're here but he can still see him because unlike him we are train to spy on others

" Ok here's the plan Dadzawa you will be over there hidden within the trees so he can't see you using your quirk on him. Toshi you will be on the root where the ticket boot is. Keigo and Dabi you two just have fun I will be here watching over everything. " I told my team of the plan

" Got it " they said back as they go to where they need to be as I watch this play out.

This is going to be fun~~

If only I have some popcorn with me...

Abusing Dipshit Pov:

To think that rodents somehow got me to agree to be taking part in his stupid game but at the same time I get to see how strong Shoto have become and if he was beaten he will need more training

As I walk around in this fuck up theme park I end up by the roller coaster that was in All Might theme...

Soon the world will forget about him and make things with me as the theme. I'll show him who is the better number one hero! From now on only the Todoroki will be the number one hero and no one else

As I am walking my alpha told me to be aware and then I feel the air around me getting hotter than on the corner of my eyes I see blue I jump away just in time but then I feel pain in my left shoulder as I landed I look at my shoulder there I see a blood red feather...

" Lucky I got a hit~~ " Sing a smooth voice that used to annoy me

I look up and there he was that fucking villain that I have taken down


" Well you see I was invited into this game like you~ the difference are you was blackmail to come I was asked nicely and willingly to come~~~ and for why I have my wins back? Well unlike you I have a family that cares for me to the point they are willing to heal me up even if they will be weak for a week " that fried chicken said with his annoying smile

" So you are a villain! I have already beat you once what makes you think I will not beat you again?! " I smirk after all a weakling will always be a weakling nothing more

" I don't know~~~ I mean last time I was backstabbed beside I'm not the only one who wants their revenge after all you piss off so many people ~~~ "

After he said that another villain come out of the shadow with long black hair tie into a manbun kind of like that homeroom teacher of Shoto class he has blue eyes like mine and he has burn scars everywhere

" Another unless villain? Ah no matter how many weaklings you team up with, weakling is always weakling!!" I shout as I send my flames to the new villain but what I did not expect was a big wall of blue flames coming up from the ground blocking my flames

" Oi, you shout too much do all number one heroes shut that loud? " Said the villain

" Why you little! " I send my flames to him again yet he's wall of flames block it again...

How dare him! How dare he have flames that are hotter than mine!!

" Hey, old man you call your flames the hell flames right? But compare to mine your flames are nothing more than the normal household flames that people used everyday to cook their dinner. After all, my flames have been though he'll with me so if anything my flames are the real hell flames " He smirk as he sends a fireball at me thinking he can hit me with that

" I'll show you just why my flames are the hell flames! " I shout as I send a fireball as well they hit each other but only mine was gone when he's fireball hit me on my left face

" Did you really think your flames can stop mine? Hehe hehe what an think I come out of Tartarus just to end up having my revenge on some weak ass old man "


" Oh~~~~ is Mr number one hero scared~~~~ " sing the annoying bird as he landed next to that guy

" I wound have thought you would remember us after all we were a big talk in both Heroes and Villains 3 years ago " He smirks more

" I think he may have fired his brain a lot of time ago with his own quirk trying to overtake All Might. Anywho~~~ let have our fun~~~ baby bird still need to have his own fun~~~~ " said that blonde idiot

3 years ago?....

I remember some villains were making a mess killing both heroes and villains but they were caught by that useless underground heroes so they were noting strong if a weakling like him can catch them...

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