Ch.11 Day 1 - Welcome

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3rd Porson Pov:

As class 2A getting off the bus they were meet with an abandoned theme park that has been clam back by nature. Where it used to be filled with joy and laughter now is filled with a deadly silence. All the ride that used to be colourful and fill with people of all age now all drain of the lovely colour they once have leaving them with the dull colour and broken part trap in by the vines. 

"....What is this place? It is so creepy.. " said Uraraka hiding behind Iida

" I feel like I should know this place.. " Said Iida

" Nononoononononononon! This..this can't are we here?! " Cry Minate

" Hello, class 2A! Welcome to UA Heroes ve Villains War Game host by your Principal! That me Nezu! 

Now as you all can see this is an abandoned theme park that was once the most popular place on earth! But sadly There was a villain attack and those villains have killed thousands. Most of those that were killed that day were heroes like you and some were villains...

Those villains that attack this place was not part of any group. They were a group of their own, a group of 3 to be exact. They have attacked other places as well but this theme park was where their last attack was being hosted before they were caught and bring to Tartarus by your homeroom teacher.

And as you all can see after that attack no one has tried to fix this theme park at all and just left it here and forgot about it just like the public did...

But to us pro heroes who were there that day we could have never forgotten this place at all. To most of us, this place set as a reminder of ours failure and because we have failed it lead to this tragic event happening...

Today you all will be staying here until one of the team wins.  We have hidden food and water around the theme park but if you can't find them you can always try to hunt for the animals that live in this place 

After all, there used to be a farm petting zoo here so animals like chickens, ducks and other small anime is around

The villain team is already here in this park as soon as we have announced the game to start they will be allowed to make their move. So if I am you I will keep your guard up to you all it may be a game but to them, this is more than a game. After all, if they beat you all they will be in UA as part of class 2A.

Oh, I almost forgot!

All Might and Endeavor are also in this War Game as part of the hero team! They are staring in a different part of the theme park!  So even if all of class 2A are taking out as long as one of those heroes are still in the game your team still have not lost! 

And to the villain team! This is a reminder from both Hound Dog and Recovery Girl try not to hurt them too much both physically and mentally...Oh and have a lot of fun and enjoy this as much as you can!

Now then let the UA Heroes Vs Villains War Game Begin!!!! "

After that everything when silent again as class 2A looks at each other having no idea what to do well besides one who is crying about how he doesn't want to die

" I beg that was just some story that our principal made up and try to scare us " said Mina

" No..I remember my family telling me something like mostly the story is real and this is the aftermath of what happened that day... " As Iida told the class they all got a little spook by this place 

Then there was clapping the class jump at the sound and look at where the sound coming from there just a minute ago there was nothing now stands a young boy about the same age as them

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