Ch.20 Day 1 - IDIOT!

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Bakugou Pov:

After hearing that those idiots really go off to find the villains base and try to take Izuku out instead of being mad I was laughing my ass off at it. At this point I don't care if we win or lose I just care about seeing them getting their ass kick by Izuku...

and then get my own ass kick by him...

Look I know since he was a kid he keeps those fucking notebooks with him no matter where he goes and being he's friends back then I was lucky enough to see what was inside and those notebooks scared me...

Inside those books, he writes down everything about you....and I mean everything...even your darkest secrets you hide from the world it mostly already in there...

I am surprised that he had not taken over the world yet...

Shit I better make sure Nezu doesn't get his hand on those notebooks!...maybe I'll tell Aizawa about it

Anyway, I am stuck with my class of idiots who still think Izuku is nothing but a useless omega...

And I once was just like them...

" Ha! Look like the Baku squad is as weak as their leader! "

" Weak ass idiot can't even beat an omega "

" What a joke! Just like their Alpha "

They just keep on shit talking so I left them be, if they think they are so good then I'll let them deal with Izuku's team

As I am walking around trying to find a place to stay and some food and water that when I run into them....

" Izuku..."

" Oh Kacchan! " he said sweetly like the way he used to

" So this is your team....wait Aizawa?! " I asked a bit shock

" Sup problem child " He said as he drinks something from a bottle mostly coffee

" Yes Kacchan Dadizawa is in my team " he said

" Dadzawa? " I asked

"It's a name we call him " he said

"....Izuku I'm sorry for everything I did and said...I..was a dick...I let everyone and everything get to my head and...I...I....forgot our promise and our friendship... " I said softly as I am looking down at the floor I can't face him at all

" Kacchan..." He calls my nickname softly as he put his hand on both sides of my cheek and make me look at him

" Kacchan do you really mean it? " he asked

" Of course...I..I...don't care how this war game will go anymore....winning or losing I can care less...I just...want my friends back...the friend that I have left behind....the one that I have hurt...I just want to rebuild our friendship again..." I said as I can feel tears coming out of my eyes but I don't care if I am openly crying anymore...I just want my friend back...the one that has always been by myself before I push him too far..

Then I feel his arms wrap around my neck pulling me down for a hug and I hug him back tightly enjoying the hug that I have missed for so long...

The omega that I used to protect is back...and that made me smile and happy...

" If you ever hurt him again I'll make your life miserable " Hiss a purple hair alpha

" And after that, I will burn you alive limb by limb slowly and painfully " Hiss out another alpha and as a warning, he makes a blue fireball in his hand

I maybe an alpha but those two alphas scared me so I just nod not trusting my voice a bit

" I will only say this one problem child hurt Izuku and you have hell to pay " Said Aizawa for once not sounding half asleep

" Y...Yes sir! " I said as I let go of Izu and the first two alpha hug Izu and nuzzling onto him making him smell like them...

" Don't mind those two they are really possessive of their mate " said Aizawa

" So those two are his mate? " I asked

" Yep~~! " Sing Izu

" How did that happen? " I asked

"It's a long story maybe after our hunt you 4 can go somewhere and talk about it " Aizawa said

" Sure but what hunt? "

" Oh we are hunting for Mr.Used to be number one hero " Said another voice a really annoying voice

" Neito! " Said Izu happy I turn around and I was shocked at what I'm seeing

" Can you believe it Izu?! Those heroes come running into our base thinking you will be there and having the audacity to bad mouth you! " Said Neito as he....pouting? In front of Izu as Izu was giving him a head pet...

" The fuck am I seeing right now? "

" Turn out Neito here is Toga's little brother " said Aizawa as if it was no big deal

" Wait what?! " I asked

" Oh shut up! So what if my sis is in the LoV, that try to kill you guys. Beside Izu here is a much better boss to follow than that hand kink guy " said Neito as he hugs Izu and nuzzles onto him but both Izu's mate did not stop him even if he is an alpha like me

" Ok, why the fuck do that fucker allowed to be so close to Izu when he is also an alpha?! " I said

" Because unlike you he never hurt Izu " Said the purple fluff ball

" And that he is part of Izu park meaning he is kind of like his cub " said the emo one

" The fuck? Izu let me be in your fucking park! "

" Nope~ " He sings as all the other alpha laugh at it even fucking mr. Homeless man who is also my fucking homeroom teacher

" What do you mean no?! " I said

" A no is a no Kacchan " He said and that makes me hiss out loud mad at it

" Katsuki... " He calls out softly and that made me stop and look at him

" Everyone in my park is labelled as villains " he said softly as they all look at me

" Bullshit! Aizawa is not a fucking villain " I pointed at him

" No who said I was in the pack? " Aizawa said

" Wait what?...." I asked

" I am not part of their pack at all I'm just allowed to be here all because I was kind of like a father to them " he said as he pet Izu on the head but I can see both Izu's mates are watching him closely

Just what has happened to you Izuku?...

When I was too busy being a dick you have grown so much...and become someone I never knew...

But this time I will make sure I am staying with you no matter what happens

After all, I am trying to become your friends again

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