Ch.18 Day 1 - Enji

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Izuku Pov:

After Dabi and Keigo finish having the best time of their life with Mr. number one burning trash. He was laying on the floor bleeding from all the cut from Keigo's feather and burn the is even more worst than the one he gives to my alpha

" Did you two have fun? " I said softly as I give the man a few soft kicks just to make sure he is still alive after all that is kind of the only rule we had

" Of course we did baby bird! Thank you so much for letting me join you!! " Keigo said as he jumps and hugs me tightly nuzzling into my fluffy hair

" Hehe~ and you Dabi? " I hug and keep Keigo close to me as I look up at my alpha as he smiles softly at me and pet my head softly

" How could I not? I finally got to get him back for everything he did to me and my family. " He said sweetly as he joins the hug as I wrap my wings softly around them, since both of them have my marking they will not be hurt by my black feather at all.

" Then do that mean you will finally tell them you are still alive? And take back your last name and be a part of their family again? " I ask hopefully

" Nope~~~ " He said popping the p as I pout

" You can't run away forever "

" I know but I will run away from being a Todoroki as long as I can...."

" Baby bird he just trying to run away from his mother whooping for as long as he can " joke Keigo as he still nuzzling into my fluffy hair as he smirks at Dabi

" Keigo don't you have somewhere to be or do you really want to become part of your favourite food? " Dabi said as he lights up his left hand with his quirk

" Right! See you later baby bird! " he said as he let go of me and fly away as I look at my mate pouting because he just scared my brother away

" Well we have to keep moving too and find a place to meet up with Neito but first I have something to do so you guys go ahead before me " I smile at my team as they nod and start to walk off and before they leave me, my mates come and give me a kiss each and that just makes my stomach fill with butterfly

" Now then~ it's my turn to have some fun with you Mr. Enji Todoroki " I said as I turn around to look at the weak hero laying on the floor trying to claw away

" W...what do you want... "

" You see those two was hurt by you the most...Keigo was never a villain to begin with...he was a hero from the bottom of his heart but you hurt took away everything he works hard for...and as an omega I will not let you off so easily for hurting my brother " I said as I pick two of my longest feather out from each side of my wings just like Keigo

" Then there's alpha... "

" I did nothing to him! "

" the name Touya Todoroki ring any bells? " I ask sweetly as I see the colour slowly leaving him

" did you know that name....I...I..."

" Have used your money and power to eliminate everything about your oldest son when you have left him on the street half dead? " I can see the fear in his eyes and I can't help but let out a smirk

" Well, you see he did not die like you hope he did...I was lucky there to heal him enough for him not to die and he told me everything...all the shit you did to your wife....

To him and his sibling

Everything you try to hide I know them all " I hiss out the last bit

" Now that you know all that do you know who's Dabi is? It's really a giveaway with his quirk after all you have been around those flame for so long "

" T....Touya.... " he whispers in disbelief

" That right and he is my mate and I don't like the fact that you have hurt my mate " I hiss out more as I remember how I found Dabi

" P...please....don't kill me...I...I am in a way your father in law! W...with how powerful you are and Touya flames....both your children will be even more powerful! So powerful that they can be the best number one hero with me training them!!" He said as I hiss out to think he was trying to use our future children to his twitched dream I use one of my feathers to cut off his left arm as he yells in pain I cut the other one off

" Listen here you piece of shit! You are only alive now because Nezu set us a no killing rule. If we can have our way you will be dead a long time ago!

Now listen here you will stay away from my alphas! My future hatchlings! And me! You know what add your own family to that list.

Now you are going to be a good little hero and be useful and set an example for the hero wanna be that this is no game and they will soon all fall to their own personal hell " I said softly and I pick him up and walk over to the roller coaster with an idea in mind

After I finished setting him up for a show I hear Mic and Midnight calling

" Oh my~~~ I know this is coming but god I did not think it will be so soon! "

" Really now Midnight? But I must say I thought they would have go for the other one first after all that guy name was on the top of their hit list! "

" Well, things sure not looking good for the Hero team! They have just lost everyone in The BakuSquad besides Bakugou himself!

And what more to the punch to the guts is that they have also lost the number one hero Endeavour himself!!! "

Wait how did we kill off a squad?! I don't think it was my team because they would have told me...


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