CH.16 Day 1 - Why so much HATE?

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Izuku Pov:

As the night comes my white feathers have slowly turn into a light grey...

There is another side to my healing quirk...

A darker side...

In the daytime the more I heal the deadlier I will become at night...

In the daylight, my feathers are snow white where it can heal any wound as long as you are still alive I can heal you and of course, it takes up a lot of my energy to heal others so I train myself to make sure I have a lot of energy

Then at night time, my feather will become darker depending on how much I have healed in the daytime the more damage I healed the darker they will become...

Right now they are grey so just a cut from them would mostly paradise anyone and if my feather become black just a cut would kill after all they are now covered in poison

" Izu " Dabi call out softly

" Is ok DabDab I'm fine " I smile softly at my mate as I walk past him

" Come on now we have 2 oversize bimbos to hunt " I sing sweetly as I go to the main hall to meet up with my team

" Is everyone ready? " I asked

" Yep yep~~ As ready as I will ever be ~~~ " Sing Keigo as both Toshi and Aizawa nod their head

" Hehehe~~ Come on~~~ I want to play with those heroes~~~ " Said Neito

" Is he ok?...I don't remember him acting like that normally..." Ask Aizawa

" Yes he is...he just drops his mask and let himself be free just like he's sister Toga... You know even she once has a normal mask on but just like Neito it broke " I said as I walk over to Neito and give him one of my long feathers

" I don't have a knife but my feather is sharper than a knife and right now it is covered in a poison that paradise peoples so be careful don't cut yourself ok? " He holds onto the feather nodding his head no stop as he smiles happily

" Now then that everyone is here we will work as a team and take the two so call heroes down " I said softly as I look at each of them

" Finally! They have been on our list for a long time now. " said Dabi as he hit me and nuzzling into my hair

" What do you mean? " Asked Neito a little confused

" You see the three of us made a list of heroes we have to killed and both of them was at the very top of the list but back then there was too protected by the commission for us to do anything to them " I answered

" But now in this War Game, it's another story " Added Toshi with a smirk

" Just what did they do to all 3 of you? " ask Neito

" Well, we each have our own reason for me it because those two asshole hurry two mates and being an asshole all in general, but I was bully for my quirk and was kicked out of the house by my family when I was little... I walk past a few heroes but they don't see anything is wrong with a kid walking around the street in like 3 in the morning all by himself no that it perfectly normal " Said Toshi

" Let just say Flaming Trash Can is the reason why I have all this scar and why I was left on the street one foot in the grave " Dabi hiss out still holding onto me rubbing his nose onto the back of my neck trying to calm himself with me sense

" For me it mostly Mr Yell A Lot former number one hero All Bitch himself. " I hiss out

" You see when I was little I love heroes All Might being my favourite... I always wanted to be a hero even if I was just a Deku...

A weak little boy who has not fully unlock or understand his quirk...

A young boy who got told his quirk was just a normal bird quirk because the doctor can't do their job right...

A depressed omega who was bullied for his dream by who he thought was his best friend for years...

But even after all that I never give up on my dream...

I keep on going no matter what others said..

Until that fateful day where I met All Might...

He saves me from a villain...well it's more like he punched me out of the villain then slap me repeatedly on my face to wake me up which is an idiot move to do

Anyway, I asked him a question hoping that maybe the number one hero will see something in me that others can't after all always tell others that everyone can become a hero. He was the symbol of peace and the beacon of hopes...

But what I got was nothing that I can ever think of...

He laughed...

Because to him an omega like me with a weak quirk was nothing more than someone for the alpha to breed with...

After that I have given up my dream of being a hero...

A dream that I was holding onto for far too long...

Then on the same day that happens my mother who is also an omega she...was killed by a hero because she refused to become theirs "

No one Pov:

After that everyone went silent after

Aizawa already knows all this but it still pains him to hear the fact that heroes are the ones that did all those to them...

Keigo was speechless he only knows that heroes have done something to them to push them to become villains after all back then he was still the commission chain up little lap dog but now that he is free and on Izuku side he can't believe that anyone can do something like that to those kids...

Neito has no idea how to feel he have so many emotions running through him right now...

He was sad to know about their past and how others have hurt them

He was mad at the heroes for not saving them when they needed a hero but instead, they gave them more pain

He was happy that they have each other and have built themselves a little family

But one thing he knows for sure and that is he will give them pain!

" Fuck the hero! " Said Neito

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