SLEEP O V E R(part 1?)

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(basil's pov)

i was at sunny's house with mari,hero,kel and aubrey. We were having a sleep over.

"So what should we do first?" Aubrey asked. Kel raised his hand. "Basket ball!!!" He yelled.

".......nope" Aubrey said. "What?" Kel said he pouted and looked around. No one rasied there hand.

Kel sobbed in the corner. Omori raised his hand(we use omori as a nickname here) "yea omori?" Aubrey asked. "How about a horror movie?" Omori said. "Sure." Aubrey said. "Anyone else?" Aubrey said. Hero raised his hand. "Why not." Mari said. "Fine.'"kel said coming back to the others.

"I'm not a fan of horror but I guess." Basil said. "Okay I'll get the blankets. " Aubrey said. "I'll get the snacks!" Kel yelled. "I'll set up the movie." Hero Said. "I'll help Aubrey."Mari said. "Thanks I forgot were you out the blankets." Aubrey said. "Oh there in the basement." Mari said. Aubrey shook for a moment. "B-b-basement?" She said. "Yea." Mari said.

"Good your getting it." Aubrey said shoving Mari into the basement closet. Mari walked down the steps. "I'll just wait for her" Aubry said. " Did you just shove my sister in the basement?" Omori asked. "Um no-" aubrey said. "You totally did." Omori said. "So she can knock on the door when she gets the blankets." Aubry said then there was a loud knock. Aubrey slowly opened the door. "I got the blankets." Mari said. "How can you see with no light down there-." Aubrey asked. " I turned on the lights?"Mari said.

"Oh yea okay" Aubrey said. "Okay I got it set up." Hero said. "I got snacksssss" kel said walking over to the living room. Aubrey sat in a chair kel sat on the couch next to Mari and hero. Sunny sat on the other chair. And basil sat on the floor with a blanket.

(After the horror movie.)
Basil was asleep on the floor. Kel was running up the stairs. "So we're is he gonna sleep?" Aubrey asked. "Um sunny is it okay if he can stay in your room for tonight." Mari asked. "Sure." He said. "Okay Im gonna go upstairs." Mari said. "I'll come to." Hero said. "So you gonna wake him up so I can sleep?" Aubrey said. "Yea what do you think I'm doing?" Omori said.

He poked basil face. "Hmm what." Basil said flipping over. "Wake up." Aubrey said. "Huh?" He said siting up rubbing his eyes. "Your gonna go sleep in omori's room get up." Aubrey said. "Oh okay where's that?" Basil asked. "Follow me." Omori said grabbing his hand and walking up the stairs. He opened the door and let go of his hand. "You can sleep on the bed I'll get a mattress."  Omori said. "But shouldn't you sleep on your bed and I sleep on the mattress?" Basil asked. "....okay I'll sleep on my bed and go get a mattress." He said.

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