Halloween party

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(I know it's not Halloween but yuh ps. Halloween best holiday)

(Wow Sunny's pov for once😱)

Mari got home from college. She decide to let us invite some kids from our school and she would invite some of her friends and we could have a Halloween party.

I sighed and invited some kids as Aubry invited her gang kel invited some of the kids who played sports with. Basil didn't invite anyone. It was officially 7:01pm. There were kids drinks food music and some kids playing soccer foot ball outside. I was siting in my room on my bed. Basil was siting next to me and kel was on the floor. Me kel and basil decide to watch a movie up stairs. Sense it was loud me basil didn't like it and Kel's buddies couldn't make it.

"Are you guys sure I can't lay on the bed!!" Kel whined.
"Kel there isn't enough room." I said.
"Well I'm gonna go down stairs I told some girl I like to come maybe she's here now! Maybe we could go on a date." Kel said smirking opening the door and closing it.

I checked my phone. "What time is it?"basil asked.
"Um it's 7:13pm."I said turning off my phone.

It has been one day sense I basically have out my feelings for basil. "Do you want me to change the movie?" I asked.

"No it's fine." Basil said.
It was movie were a young boy who has dreamed of space meets a girl he likes and he's scared to tell her how he feels as he sees her with another boy. As he grows older he gives up on the space dream.

Sad to be honest. I felt something on my shoulder. Basil was laying his head on my shoulder sounded like he was sleeping I closed my eyes and decided to sleep.

(Few hours later)

I woke up and rubbed me eyes I saw basil was gone. I looked at the time. Oh it was 8:30am. I walked out of my rooms down stairs and saw the tv playing.  I thought Mari lefted. I got down and saw basil watching the tv. "Oh your still here?" I said. "Oh yeah." He said he smiled nervously.  I went tin the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips and went into the living room side and sat next to basil. I looked at the tv. I looked at basil who looked still tired.

"Are you  still tired?" I asked.
"No I'm not just not fully awake yet." He said.
"So your still sleepy?" I said.
"Well....no" he said.
"Just sleep up stairs on my room I don't care." I said.
"Well I'm just not tired okay." He said pouting.
"Fine. Want some chips." I asked.

He looked at me and looked at my hand holding the bag of chips he took some and looked at the tv. I really liked basil I think we're dating now but he seems so sad all the time now I don't know how to help him but I want to. Plus I've gotten more hungry these days to. Hmmm demons? Nah now I think I'm just not making sense.

I scootched closer to basil. He looked at me and then looked at the tv. I want to get closer to him but I don't know how.(legit I don't know how I'm not good with dating writing gahhhhhhhhhh)

"Um basil..." I said.
"Yea?" He said looking at me.
"We're basically dating now right." I said.
"Well that's what you said." He said.
"So we can be honest with each other right?" I said. He nodded.

"Basil I wanna know why you've been so sad." I said.
"Well it's just I don't know how to work a relationship." He said.
"Me to but I'm trying and I want you to know nothing can break us apart nothing can or will okay?" I said. He nodded and hugged me.

I hugged back he stoped hugging me and sat there facing me on the couch. I looked at him. I got closer to him. He looked at me.

I pulled some of his hair behind his ear and looked at him.
He looked at me. That's when I felt very nervous.
Uh should I? Um...I? Idk. Gah. Um.

I then just kissed him.

Then kel kicked down the door and we looked at him.

"What did I just walk into-"

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