The Valentine Date

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Sunny and kel left.
It's was 4:12pm I got a knock at the door.

It was Aubrey.
"Hey I was gonna pick up Kim but I came to get you first." She said.
"Oh I forogt to tell you me and sunny were gonna hang out today for valentine's day." I said.

She smiled big. "Told you no way he would reject you." She said.
"Hehe yea sorry for not telling you I forgot." I said.
"It's fine we'll I'm off to get Kim have a nice date." She said smiling.

I nodded and shuted the door. How should I dress. Should I dress normal me? Or nicer? Waaaaaaaa. I guess I'll go with normal me.

But when are we gonna hang out? I checked time it was now. 4:16pm. I sat on my couch with my knees up to my chin. I got a message and looked at my phone. Message from...sunny?

I looked at what it was.

   Hey I'm on the way so I was thinking we can just hang out at my house? Mari and hero were going on a date.

    Sure! I'll just head over

   But I'm almost there😓

   I'll just start heading and we'll walk together when we meet


(At Sunny's house)
"So what do you wanna do." He said siting on his couch. I sat next to him.

"I don't know what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"Wanna maybe watch a movie?" He asked.
"Sure. What kind?" I asked.
"What kind of movies do you like?"he asked.
"I like fanstay sometimes romance." I said.
"We're 14 so we can watch those right?" He asked.
"Romance?" I asked.
"Yea I mean Mari has a sad weird fantasy romance movie says rated-14 even tho she's 17. It's weird for her to have it sense she's not 14." He said.

"Polly used to tell me it's still for everyone and it means 14 and older not just 14 year olds."I said.
"Makes more sense." He said.

"Let's see found the movie!" He said.
"Let me see." I said.
"Yama roki's fanstay romance. Hmm let me read the description....hmmm. oh! Yama has had her own fantasy's of a knight who would come to rescue her from a huge tower by a evil witch but she knew it was all in her dreams as she spent the rest of her life in a boring house with normal parents and a anyoing younger sister. At school a new student comes and she believes it's her knight and shining armor." I said.

"Sounds good to me." Sunny said.
"Okay then I'll get blankets witch I don't know where they are.." I said.
"I'll set this dvd up you can get my blanket from my room." He said.

"Kk!" I said I went into his room and grabbed a blanket that was on his bed and rushed down the stairs.

I got on the couch. Sunny finished setting up the dvd. He sat next to me we shared the blanket and watched the movie. It was warm. The movie was almost done. It gotta really sad Yama was about to leave haruka shouted oh god.

"No Yama you can't leave haruka!" Sunny shouted crying.
I began to cry.
"Yea Yama he's your knight in shining armor!" I shouted.
"God this is so sad." I said.
"Agree." Sunny said.

The movie was done.
"That's the end!" I shouted.
"There wasn't even a reunion!" Sunny shouted.
"God romance sad fanstay movies sad! And have horrible endings!" Sunny shouted again.
"Agree." I said.

"Hey sunny?" I asked.
"Uh yea?" He said.
"Why did you not decide to go with that girl?" I asked.
"Well I um I didn't actually agree I just said so she wouldn't cry but then there was someone I wanted to speed the time with." He said.

"Oh who?" I asked.
"Ah! It's no one!" Sunny's shouted blushing.
"You know I'm happy you asked me to hang out for valentine's day...I wanted to ask you and I was kind of afraid but you needed asking me to hang out.." I said.

"Well you know I wanted to speed valentine's day with you so I wasn't alone or you." He said.

"Thanks sunny." I said I looked at him.
He looked at me.

I almost kissed him but Mari walked in through the door and made me jump.

"Oh basil sunny? Hi sunny I thought you were spending today alone?" She said.

"Oh well I didn't want basil to be alone sense everyone was doing things." Sunny said.

"Nice." She said walking in hero and kel walked in after.

"Hey guys what were you watching?" Kel asked.
"Yama roki's fanstay." Sunny said.
"Huh? My rare romance dvd!"Mari said.
"Yea it was so tragic and sad why did it end that way!" I said crying.

Mari began to cry to and hugged me.
"I know it was so sad the way it ended." Mari said crying.
"Why did she leave him she finally meet her knight and shining armor!" Sunny said.

"I don't get any of this." Hero said.
"Me to." Kel said.

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