Valentine:)))))))))) (had to fix some things heh😅)

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( I know it's not valentine's day but my lovely friend ElixEsque And nikifries Gave me idea to do it okay- so I guess this is heart break valentine's day for basil poor baby t-t but jkjk )

"So any plans tomorrow is Valentine's day." Aubry asked me.
"Well I'm not sure just probably gonna stay home." I said.
"Come on basil is there any one you want to ask out well today you will and spend valentine's day together." Aubry said.

"Well he might not like me back.." I said.
"Oh he's a boy!" Aubrey said jumping out of her seat.
"Um yes but he's special and out of my league." I said looking down.

"Don't think that basil if he rejects you then he's not worth it! Forget him and move on. Plus who would reject you your cute funny and kind and a Gardener....2nd thoughts he might reject you." Aubrey said.

I hit my head on the table and sighed.

"Oh come on! Um what's this boys name tho." Aubrey said with a smirk.
"Ummmm...." I stayed silent.
"It's sunny isn't it." She said smirking.
"Ah! What! No no no! It's it's not like that." I said I couldn't say anything looking down.

"Ha! Your blushing I'm sure he likes you! I've seen his looks so don't worry." She said smiling siting back down.
"Yea maybe." I said.

"Well come on I'm hungry make something." She said.
"Why I already maybe food 3 times!" I said.
"Don't shout." She said.
"Oops sorry I make food 3 times."I said.
"Well not my fault I'm hungry!" She shouted.
"Hey." I said.
"Sorry sorry." She said.

( A few minutes later)

Sunflower is online
Sunny is online
Aubryz is online

Aubryz: hey guys
Sunflower: hi Aubry hi sunny
Sunny: hi basil
Aubryz: any plans for valentine's day tomorrow?
Sunny: some girl asked me.
Sunflower: oh um what did you say?
Sunny: I said sure sense I had nothing else to do and no one to spend time with.

Aubryz: you could of hanged with me basil and Kim
Sunny: well I didn't know sorry.
Aubryz: apologizing what?
Sunny: oh I said sorry oops

Sunflower is offline

Sunny: hmm?
Aubryz: oh..I'ma check of basil
Sunny: what's up with him?
Aubryz : I thought you knew by now

Aubryz is offline

Sunny: know what? Aubry

Sunny is offline

(Back to real life and not chat)

I placed my phone to the stand. What time is it even. I looked back at my phone. Guess it's time to make dinner.

I headed down stairs.
I heard a knocked and opened.
"Hey baby you good." Aubry said.
"Yea I'm fine." I said smiling.

"Hmm okay well me and Kim will pick you up and will hang out at the park." She said.
"Yea but aren't I ruining your guy's date?" I said.
"Nah it's fine I mean with the whole gang I'm used to it." She said.
"Okay yea but when?" I asked.
"4:50pm." She said.
"Got it."I said.

(The next day)
I work up and went down stairs. Kel and sunny were in my kitchen.

"How the heck did you guys even get in here." I asked.
"Hungry." Kel said.

"Oh um sure." I said I finished walking down the stairs and got stuff.
"What are you making" sunny asked.

"Making waffles and pancakes and french toast." I said.
"Mmmm those all sound good." Kel said.
"So hey basil who are you spending valentine's day with." Kel asked.

"Of Kim and Aubrey. Aubry said I was fine to hang with them sense I had no body to go with or hang out with." I said.

"Oh I'ma going out with this cool girl."kel said.
"Nice." I said.
"Who are you spending valentine's day with sunny?" Kel asked.

"No one." He said.
"I thought you were going with that girl." I shouted.

I covered my mouth.
"Heh sorry." I said.
"It's fine I decided not to." He said.
"Oh." I said.

Here's your chance basil.
Before I said something sunny said something

"So basil wanna hang with each other for valentine's day?" Sunny asked.

My face heated up.

"Ah! Sure! I'd love to..." I said.
"Nice." He said smiling.
Then kel said something.

"Hey basil is that supposed to be on fire." Kel said.

"Heh." I said.
I turned around and screamed.

(Do you know how many times I spelt valentine worng-

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