Love Kills

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Lily Road POV

We are now sitting on Tristan's bed. He said he needed to tell me something. So now I'm waiting.

"Tristan if your not going to tell me I'm going to go to bed. Good night." I said with annoyance because I've been sitting here watching him fidget and worry for 30 freaking minutes. 30 minutes I could of got sleep.

"Ok I'm ready. I fight in underground fighting, I race illegally, I did bad things and now people want to hurt you Lily. They know my weakness. It's you. I have feelings towards you and they just keep getting stronger the more I stay by your side. I blew up in the gym because you threatened me that you had feelings for another guy. Your mine and no one else's." He finished with a harsh tone. Like a warning saying you go with someone else they die tone.

"Tristan...thanks for telling me this, but why me? Why are you changing now? Why tell me some people want to hurt me? Why tell me you have feelings for me? If these feelings are going to hurt you I'll leave..."I finished in a whisper. With that he looked at and pushed me on the bed and then hugged my waist to where his head is in my stomach. Which is starting to hurt. I need to take the medication that Eros gave me.

"Please don't leave me Lily. I don't think I could lose another person I like." He said in a cry. Wait he's crying.

"Don't cry Tristan please don't cry." I said this as he's falling asleep. "I think I'm falling in love with you without showing it to you." And with that I kissed his disheveled blonde hair. I didn't go to sleep right away I was kind of being a weirdo by staring at Tristan's body and face.
I woke up before Tristan. I realize I always do. I was never able to sleep for a long amount of time without going into a sweat and moving rapidly. I played with Tristan's hair and pulled on it and got a grunt from Tristan. He then rolled up to where is face on my neck.

"Stop pulling on my hair Princess." He said in a husky voice. To be completely honest when he wakes up with that voice I melt. I pulled on his hair a little harder.

"Why? Is it bothering you?" I said in a snicker because I knew it was. I almost was laughing it was that funny because he kept wiggling.

"Because it makes me want to bite your fingers and kiss you. Princess I suggest you get up and run for your life in about 10 seconds I'm torturing you." He said in the most blunt voice. Along with that his eyes said he was telling me the truth.
"1..." I got up and ran "2...3...4...5...6...7...8..." By 8 I locked myself into the bathroom and was throwing water on face to calm my nerves I could feel a panic attack happening. Breathe. Breathe. Deep slow breathes. "9...10..." And then it was quiet. Then what scared the crap out of me was the KNOCK KNOCK on the bathroom door.

"AHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed and heard a WTF on the other side. I laughed really hard.

"Road I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. Remember I do have a key to this very door." With that I stilled and he hit the door and it shook.

"Are you mad at me Tristan?" I asked with fear in my voice and he heard it. I opened the door and I fell to the floor. "Don't be mad at me please don't be mad." I cried. He fell to floor and grabbed my arms and chin. He stood me up and he looked in my eyes and I saw love in his.

"I could never be mad at you ever. Don't ever think that." He said with such sincerity. I realized he moved me to the couch and sat me down now we were sitting staring at each other.

When you stare at someone and they have such intense eyes and love that every hair on your body stands on end and you just want to move closer. Closer to were you each breathe the same air and you have the urge to jump there bones. Even though you hurt all over. You want to rip there clothes off just to feel the warmth and skin. Have skin on skin contact that's the urge you have. That's the urge I have right now. He's torturing me every minute we stare.

He makes the first move and that move is touching my thigh. He not only does that, but decides that making little circles on my thigh is ok. Hell no it is not ok it tickles and is right by a bruise, but what scares me is that it's a pleasurable pain. Like wtf is happening? He doesn't know his effect on my body.

I decide to scoot closer then I realize I'm in a tank and spandex. Wow hot clothes right turn ons!! What is happening to my mind it's like everything I do is to attract Tristan and make him mine. Wow! Ok hormones you need to stop I mentally slap myself.

What happens next surprises me. He grabs my hips and leans into kiss me and I can't help, but flush that this gorgeous specimen has feelings towards me. The kiss is fantastic. I love his hair. I pull on it and I grabs my hips were it hurts, but not painfully.

"Princess stop pulling my hair. It's a thing that doesn't make me wanna stop." He grunts out against my lips. I giggle because it's cute that he is being a gentleman, but I've had enough of gentleman Tristan I need the bad boy to come out and I'm working on that.

"But I don't want to stop pulling on your hair or biting your lip." With that I did both at once I pulled his hair while I bit his lip. He moaned and his growing stubble tickled my neck. Wow this is fun. I like feeling like I control him with each move I take. The position I'm currently in is kinda hot, but realize I was laying down while his head was constantly turning in my neck and it keeps making me squirm under him to where he holds my hips still and touched my arms and legs with feather light fingers. This is just not fair! It's torture to sit still.

"I told you to stop Princess. This is what you get." With that I squirmed again and then to hold me almost still his hips held me still instead of his hands. Instead of just letting my body suffers from this I moved my hips and then lifted myself up on to my elbows and now he was straddling me just great.

"Get off me before I give you torture Black. This is just killing me. Why are you doing this?" I said is an airy whisper because he is just breath taking.

"I'm doing this because it's torture knowing that you lay with me and I can't put a hand on you. It's torture knowing that you like the bad side of me when I don't. It's torture to let you bite me and pull my hair to the point I don't care if you fight me or not I want you." He said and started his torture again and said "this is what it is like to have the thing you want to take and have with every muscle in your body saying do it just throw her down and take her, but your mind saying that you want to do that with her in her own time wait. It feels like this." Then the torture began again and I couldn't take it.

I took his hands in my hands and kissed each and every finger and bit each and everyone too. I pushed him off me. "I'm going to take a shower see you soon hot shot." With that I winked at him and swayed my hips and walked away.

"Tease" I heard him mumble and I left walking.

I walked into the shower and changed. Time to relax.

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