Four (9m)

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I guess less people like this?

Photo-Admit it,Liam looked fit all day when that oho to was taken.


Enjoy :) (May 2016)

"No,Fletcher don't bite the television remote!"Liam shouted rushing to grab the television remote from Fletcher as half of it was in his mouth as the other bit was in his small tubby hand.Fletcher made a whining noise from the lack of something gnawing on his sore gums and reached for the remote from his daddy's grasp only for Liam to pull his hand back and place the remote out of reach from Fletcher.Bad move.The minute Liam placed it on the mantelpiece of the minute Fletcher started to cry his eyes out.

This had been going on for 2 days now and Fletchers cries seemed to be getting louder and louder Everytime he started to cry,and the louder they got the angrier Liam got and the Angrier Liam got the more Louis backed away with Fletcher into the nursery.Louis was still a little scared of Liam,only a little,but when Liam was angry Louis was kind of petrified and made sure that both he and Fletcher stayed away from Liam as far away as possible to let him calm down.It wasn't Liams fault that he developed a small anger issue when he was in high school,but it wasn't Fletcher or Louis' fault either.

Louis was always the best when it came to a crying Fletcher,he use to be terrible at trying to calm Fletcher Down,but since Harry had told him about the stress situation he was a master at it.Liam was also good at calming Fletcher down,but that always ended up with Liam getting hurt himself because Fletcher loved to see his Daddy be silly by making faces or 'pretending' to be hurt.Unfortunately for Liam,Louis was down at Nialls for some reason that Liam completely blanked and now he was in charge of trying to calm their baby down and make sure he doesn't eat anything he shouldn't.

Liam was quick to scoping him up and rocking him in his arms as he started to walk around the livingroom.It was a miserable day,it has been raining for nearly three days in a row and it really lived up to the song and saying April Showers.Liam sighed as he continued to calm Fletcher down,the cries only stopping when the the older felt something or someone gnaw at his shoulder."We don't bite Daddy Fletcher,"Liam sighed as he moved so Fletcher was facing him,a pout on his lips,his nose and cheeks red and his blue eye filled with tears as he stared blankly at Liam,his normally bubbly and giggly personality gone.

Fletcher looked at his own small fingers and slowly emerged them closer to his open mouth,biting down on them which earned a squeal and another cry at the pain.Liam was quick to pulling the fingers out of his baby's mouth."Aw my poor baby,"He started to coo as he kissed the fingers that Fletcher placed in his mouth as he started to walk up the stairs and into the light green nursery.Bouncing Fletcher on his hip,He searched through the drawers,cheering to himself when he found the light green mittens he was searching for to put them onto Fletchers hands to stop his biting his fingers again.

"Yes,I know you don't like them,I'm sorry but you have to wear them.Stop giving me that look,"Liam rolled his eyes because his son really shared the same annoyed and sad look as Louis was able to do which guilt tripped Liam.He was always in the bad books when it came to Louis and Fletcher,he was always the bad guy and he was always to blame because according to Louis 'I never do anything and Fletcher is the perfect little angel'.

Whining Fletcher tried to stick his fingers back into his mouth as Liam was walking down the stairs with him in tow and heading to the kitchen.He knew that there was something in the fridge that could help Fletchers sore gums,he was obviously teething but of course Liam was thick as a brick according to Louis so he didn't actually know.Opening the fridge he found what he was looking for,the light blue Icybite teething ring.Smiling to himself he pulled out the teething soother and handed it to Fletcher who took it and automatically started to gnaw at it,making him let out a cute sigh making Liam laugh.

"Have you seen this?It's this flavoured tea which turns the tea like red or something and it looks like your drinking blood!"Louis Laughed as he walked into the kitchen where he knew Liam was sitting eating a sandwich as it was Fletchers nap time and he was sure that Liam wouldn't have ate as Fletcher was clingy at the moment.He had just spent two hours at Nialls discussing and drinking tea while reading some books because he was starting to miss his books,and can't forget listening to Green Day.Hey,you couldn't blame him,if Liam was able to go and play football then he should be able to read and listen to his favourite bands with his best friend.

Liam looked up from his text he was in the middle of and looked at Louis with a bored expression,making Louis frown and set the box of tea down in the counter as he gave a sigh."it's pretty nice,you make me a cup please?"Louis asked hopefully a small smile on his face as Liam got up and started to make the new tea,not before placing a kiss to Louis' lips that is."How was Fletch?"

"He was good,tried to eat the tv remote,my shoulder and his fingers,so he's now mittened and fell asleep with a dummy that was in the fridge in his mouth,"Liam told Louis who nodded and smiled.He loved hearing about his little boy.Setting the Tea on the counter infront of Louis earning a quite 'Thank you' from Louis as he took a first sip of the tea."So what have you ate today?"Liam asked with a raised eyebrow as Louis choked on his tea a little.

"Had a sandwich and yogurt in Nialls,"Louis lied in a soft voice as he avoided eye contact with Liam.He wasn't lying exactly,he ate a yogurt after Niall had to basically hold him down on the sofa and force it down his throat (No matter how dirty that sounded).He had lost his apatite again,well that and he felt fat,he hated this extra weight he put on since giving birth,even if Liam said he looked healthy and gorgeous,he still hated his own appearance.And yes he might've been loosing some weight and yes he was starting to see his ribs again,yes his cheek bones were becoming more noticeable,but that was healthy,right?


Wow,so I guess this isn't much liked?Considering I got like 12 votes in the last chapter?

But anyway.

Um,what did yous think?


Peace ✌️


[QOTC:Favourite food?]

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