Twenty-Nine (3y|1w)

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Fletcher- 3 years 1 month
Oliver-1 week

This chapter is terrible,around the end of it it is anyway

Might do a Louis Tomlinson BXB fanfic,interested?

Photo-Liam looked so flawless that day


Enjoy :) (September 2017)

"I'm coming,I'm coming,"Louis cooed more to himself than anyone else once he heard the cries through the baby monitor,sitting up right in the bed and rubbing his eyes with small fists.He was getting back into the routine gradually,he was tired,he was always tired nowadays he never got to relax and lie down to have a proper 12 hour sleep which he craved.When He was a teenager all he did was sleep,he slept his days away when he wants up during the night crying,crying and sleeping,that's what he normally did.It was scary at night time when he was a teenager,that's when his voices would get louder and more noticeable in the quietness of the night.That's when he did the most damage,more cuts,deeper cuts,burns,anything that could harm him.Other nights he slept and wished that he never woke up again.

He could still picture His mum and Dads face the day he woke up In that hospital bed after he tired to kill himself,disappointment,that's all he saw in his mother's eyes was disappointment.Karen had seen a number of different teenagers being rushed in by ambulances after being found unconscious in the bedroom or bathroom,their wrists,things or stomach sliced and their system drug filled.Their cuts were normally glued or stabled shut,she had to do many in her lifetime of being a high class nurse,and their stomach pumped from the dangerous toxins before it was too late.She had one of the jobs of telling the parents what had happened,and what would happen next,it was never good,the Psychic hospital was never any parents choice but it was the correct place.She never thought she'd have to be one of those parents,the type of parents that could only see their child once a week through a glass pane.It was scary,it scared her to know that her Baby wasn't okay,that there was some thing wrong that she couldn't help or prevent.

Louis hoped that Neither his sons had to go through what he had to,he learned from first experience what it was like to be in that hospital,it wasn't pleasant and he swore to himself that he would never repeat what happened in their to another soul,it was too gruesome and scarring.His parents knew,they had to know as they were told and signed the contacts to say it was okay,but Liam didn't know,he simply thought it was therapy,it wasn't just that.

Liam hadn't moved,he was still asleep in his position on the bed,his head resting on his arm as he lay on his side,drool running down his chin.Louis smiled slightly,he had a brief talk to alike about the attention business,of course it went thought one ear and out the other which did no use whatsoever.It was Fletchers first day of Nursery,his small red and black uniform was,washed and pressed and lying on top of his drawer in his bedroom,his new black vans along with it.Louis couldn't get over it,his little solider was growing up on him,it wasn't fair.Stretching some more,Louis shuffled his way out of his bedroom and down the hall a little to wear Olivers Nursery was,the door paints white with 'Oliver' painted in Light blue paint on the door.Fletchers door was the same,but instead his name 'Fletcher' was painted in light green paint.It was his favourite colour.

"Hello Oliver,"Louis cooed,a fond smile on his face as he went to his Babies side,gently lifting the baby into his arms so that he was cradling him,rocking his slowly."You slept a while today,didn't you?"He hummed as he walked around the room,watching as the dummy bobbed up and down in his mouth,he cooed at the soft fuzz of brown hair on top of his head.He was adorable,with his chocolate brown hair and eyes he was already a 100% Liam Payne,it was obvious.He looked up at the small clock at the side of the room and hummed to himself,noticing the time."Better get you fed,then we need to get your Gummy ol' Daddy up and your monster of a big brother,"He smiled,sitting down in the rocking chair,he took the dummy out of his mouth making him whimper at the lost of comfort,Louis rested Oliver so that his mouth was near his left nipple.

He had fed Oliver with ease,it was always earlier to feed him in the mornings,maybe it was because that was Louis' main job in the morning with the breastfeeding.He pocketed the dummy in the pocket of his jogging Bottoms as he rested Oliver Upwards so he could burp him,rubbing his back softly until he heard what he needed to.He lay Oliver down on the changing mat,unbuttoning he white baby grow he was wearing and started to change the boys nappy.He was able to change the boys nappy no problem,slipping it under his bum,sprinkling some baby powder befriend strapping it snugly around his waist.He pulled off the dirty baby grow and replaced it with a new one,sleeveless and legless.The younger lad slipped on a pair of baby jeans and a long sleeved blue t-shirt,making sure to clip the dummy he took out of his pocket to the t-shirt before nudging the dummy into his lips.

"All done,"He smiled,picking him up and cooing at his cuteness as he went to wake up Liam with Oliver in arms.Liam was still sleeping in the position that Louis left him in,with a small eye roll,Louis nudged the slightly older boy in the shoulder earning a grunt."Liam,Get up,it's Fletchers first day of Nursery and you need to get him dressed and steak him over,"Louis told Liam who was slowly starting to wake up,moving so that he was lying on his back now and stretching his arms upwards,snarly hitting Louis in the process as he held Oliver protectively.

"Got if,"He groaned opening his eyes slowly,brown meeting blue as Louis mailed p,Liam back lazily,"Good morning Princess,"He sighed in content as Louis placed a kiss to Liams lips,both suffering from morning breathe."And good morning Oliver,"he added upon noticing Oliver in Louis' arms.After exchanging some more 'Good Mornings' and 'I love yous' (and maybe the small 'Get your ass up') Louis had left the bedroom with Oliver in arms,going down the stairs to prepare breakfast for himself,Liam and Fletcher.He had Olivers 'Bubble' baby swing sitting on the kitchen counter,Oliver strapped in as he cooked,now dressed in a pair of red jogging bottoms and a red jumper as he cooked.

"I know baby,but I had to go,and Papa had to go and Olli will go too,"Liam found himself telling the sulking three year old that sat on his bed,his arms crossed with a pour on his lips.Fletcher was very stubborn when he wanted to be,he drove Liam up the walls with his stubbornness and yet still wondered where he got it from (he was completely oblivious).Liam was crouched down infront of Fletcher and his bed,the red nursery jumper in his hands with the school crest on it,he was able to dress Fletcher in everything else successfully,just not the jumper.

"But I be alone!"He fought back,deciding to have a stare down with his Daddy who was sure to win.Liam rolled his eyes and grabbed the boys arms quickly pulling the arms though and pulling his head thought the correct holes,the jumper now on and Fletcher whimpered."Daddy!No fair!"He whined kicking his legs.

"Do you want a time out?"Liam asked sternly to the toddler who immediately shook his head in a silent way of saying 'No Daddy,Sorry'."Then be nice,Look Fletcher it won't be all that bad,you'll meet loads of new friends and play with all these toys,it's a lot of fun,"Liam smiled telling the toddler as he started to slip on the boys fans on to his small sock covered feet."It's only for a little while,you won't even know I'm gone you'll be having so much fun,"he cooed ticking Fletchers sides a little.

"I bring Wilson?"He asked innocently,holding the White plush tiger that sat on the bed.

"Of course,just keep him close okay?"He smiled helping the toddler off of the bed and holding his hand."Now let's go get some breaky,Papa and Olli are down stairs,"


I wasn't sure if I was gonna update tonight or not,I'm really tired but I couldn't sleep knowing I didn't update

How was this?

Want Fletcher do make more friends?Or just Leave it at Axel until later years?*hint hint*

Thoughts on the chapter?


Peace ✌🏼


[QOTC:First ever concert?]

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