Twenty-One (2y 8m)

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If this chapter ends up private I'm gonna cry bc I worked hard on writing this at 4am in an hour while listening to The 1975

I get so cocky at this time of the morning


Photo-I can imagine these two acting all cocky in their wedding day photos



Enjoy :) (April 2017/4 months pregnant)

"I'm growing baby boobs again,"Louis' lip wobbled as he complained,standing infront of the full length mirror of his and Liams bedroom,a hand on his bump and another cupping the not so flat left chest.He was over exaggerating,he knew it,but with all of the hormones and oestrogen that was flowing around in his body was making him over react and emotional and just a complete pain in the ass.He wasn't growing boobs,well he kind of was only because the baby was making it happen,but they weren't large nor noticeable,more like a pre-teen girl going through puberty.

Liam rolled his eyes from his place on the floor doing sit ups,shirtless,ripped and sweaty which just the sight was making Louis weak in the knees and hungry for Liam.It was a once in a lifetime that the two had some actual alone time,Fletcher being abducted by a bunch of idiots that were all shamefully called Louis and Liams friends.None of them knew why exactly,but when they opened the door of their house after the door was rapped rather loudly at 10am and Both Zayn and Niall came running in asking (it was more like demanding) to have Fletcher for the day,neither of the two parents were going to deny that offer.They needed alone time.they craved it,so of course they were going to let Their large friend group take their 2 and a half year old son for the day,and they guessed that they knew that as well.

Liam wanted to focus on doing some physical exercise (not that there was any other) because well he needed to stay in shape as he wasn't able to go tot eh gym as much as he wanted too and instead stayed in the house cuddled up with Louis and Fletcher watching some Disney movie.He was doing pretty well with keeping up on his fitness,Louis was much of a distraction as he was as a good objective.For the first part while Liam was doing press-up,Louis was placed on his back underneath the bigger boy,Liam receiving a kiss Everytime he came down,and after a while he had moved down so he kissed Louis' bare baby bump which just made Louis giggle cutely.It was a great bonding session really,but Now Louis was bored,and horny and whiny,and just wanted to be touch.

So now he was distracting

"You're boobs are the same size as they were when you were pregnant with Fletcher,stop being a drama queen,"Liam grunted as he completed another set of ten sit-ups,his hands on either side of his head.Louis huffed and turned around to his buff,gorgeous Fiancé with a pout on those pretty thin lips on his,his 4 month baby bump exposed with stretch marks and past scars on show without a care.If you had asked Louis 3 years ago to stand completely bare (minus the shorts he was wearing) infront of anyone,he'd be out in a heartbeat because of his fresh and old scars and bruises,now he couldn't care less.They showed him that he survived and that he had something to live for,each scar told a story just like each tattoo that was inked onto Liams skin done the same.

It showed that whatever tried to hurt him failed to kill him

"But the point is,Liam,is that I'm not supposed to have boobs in the first place,"The smaller huffed which again Liam rolled his eyes at,Louis was emotional and moody in the first place,pregnant Louis just doubled,maybe tripled,the moodines."Ugh!My nipples are so sensitive,and my bum is so big and out of place,and my thighs-"

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