Twenty-Four (2y 11m)

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My sunshine; Theo_Hemwin is out of hospital and I'm so happy and I hope that he gets better because he deserves too.Luff you 😚🙈

Photo-FANART ❤️



Enjoy :) (July 2017/7 months pregnant)

"Y'know,the kid looks a lot like you Mikey,"Louis whispered in Michaels eat who was just staring at the two toddlers playing in the soft play area,Fletcher with Wilson in the air giggling as he ran after Axel who was clutching Peter To his chest,also giggling to himself.He was surprised that the two toddlers hadn't collapsed on the floor yet from exhaustion,they had been playing non-stop since the Wilson incident and Michael himself was getting tired just watching the toddlers run about and play.It was like they had hyped the kids up on sugar when really it was only one cookie each and a sippy cup of diluted Apple juice.

Michael couldn't seem to stop staring at the green eyed toddler,something white the boy was bothering him and it wasn't in the 'I don't like you' type of bothering it was simply a 'Why are you so familiar?' Type.He had to admit,he looked like a mini,fetus,version of Michael,before he went all crazy and dyed his hair multiple colours and pierced his eyebrow.He had the same green eyes and dirty blonde hair that Michael had at that age,but he knew it was impossible that the kid was his,he always used protection when he was sleeping with other girls,he couldn't risk the chance so he was always packing.It was just that he boy did look like him,and it was annoying because he wanted to know who the mother of the child was,or even the father because who knows,Michael was always one to experiment (once or twice maybe,just to be sure).If he saw the mother,or father,he'd know for sure,but they were nowhere in sight.

"What?Pfft,no he doesn't.Your pregnancy is making you delusional LouBear,"Michael tried to cover his thought but failed because his voice always came out that tad bit higher when he was lying or was in deep thought about something.Louis chuckled and rolled his blue eyes in fondness,he always found it amusing when Michael tried to cover something up,he never was able to pull it off like Louis was,he always let a word slip or his bo is would change,or maybe his facial expression.

"Michael,I've seen baby photos of you,actually everyone has,Your mum posted them online,anyway,Axel could be your fudging twin to toddler you,"Louis said truthfully,a hand on his bump when he felt the baby wiggle around and kick at the surface,making Louis smile and for Michael to quickly place his hands on Louis' bump only to miss the kick.The baby was very mobile in Louis' stomach,they weren't like Fletcher who you actually had to forced to move or kick,no this baby just loved to move and wiggle about and make Louis uncomfortable 24/7.It was delightful to everyone else though,they got to feel the baby kick,everyone but Michael of course,he always seemed to miss the baby kicking.He had such bad luck with children.

"Louis,I'm telling you,he's not my kid,I've always used protection,right and handy in my wallet,"Michael smirked a little,patting his back pocket to show Louis that it was indeed true,he always kept his wallet in his back pocket,it was a lot handier there.Louis smiled sheepishly and giggled making Michael raise an eyebrow."Whats tickled your fancy?"

"You do know that keeping a condom in your wallet,and your wallet being in your back pocket,can cause it to ware down because of the friction of body heat,"Louis smirked sticking his tongue out as he turned his attention to Fletcher who started to giggle and wave.Louis waved back and waved at Axel as well who waved back shyly befriend the two toddlers started to play again climbing up and the down the slide carelessly just like little boys.Ashton was on hand,shouting for them both to be safe and to not do this or that,it was entertaining,both Louis and Michael were sure that Ashton was really going to live up to the over protective mother role while Luke will be that fun but also embarrassing dad.

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