Five (10m)

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There's barely any Fletcher In this chapter,it'll mostly be Liam and Louis,just saying as they haven't got a lot of Alone time

Photo-How can you not love him?LOOK AT THAT FACE

*nonedited (Liam always sorry I just don't have time)

This is longgggggggg (Like Liams dick)

[Warnings:Rape Flashback(s),mentions of rape and abuse,close to self harm actions]

Enjoy :)

"I-I'm s-sorry,P-please Le-let Me G-Go!"Louis cried claw along at the arms of the men who was holding him in place on he ground whee he was thrashing his legs trying to kick the three men away from his small figure.Why was no one helping him?Through all of the screams and cries,why was no one coming to his rescue and saving him from these men who wanted to terms away his innocence and take away his virginity when he wasn't ready.His cried were loud enough to be heard in China and yet even with a high pitch voice that he had,no one would hear them.

It was if he didn't exist

Each time he cried another part of his body was slapped,kicked or punched,everytime he called for help his head was slammed to the floor and more blood would pour,and everytime he tried to push the men away their grips got tighter and he was held to the floor by his limbs.He didn't want this to happen,he would've rather have them slit his throat and leave him for the grim Reaper but no,they want him to suffer slowly and painfully,they wanted to see the life slowly disappear in his eyes until he was an emotionless human being that just wanted to die.They wanted to have their own but of fun with the boy before throwing him into a wall and kicking seven bells out of him,because you know what?Someone was going to do it anyway.

"Shut up you disgusting Fag!"The green eyed one spat before slapping Louis on his already reddened cheek,knocking the boys glasses a little and slamming the corner into his eyes kiang him let out a broken squeak.He nodded his head weakly as more tears seeked down his cheeks dampening them as the brown eyed one went and straddled the smallers hips to keep him into place as he roamed his hands up and down Louis' chest,slipping his hands under the fabric of his jumper as he touched the delicate skin.Each touch sent goosebumps to rise and for another cry to escape his lips.

He tried,he really did try to push their hands off of him but they're were a lot older,bigger and stronger and he was no match to them as they ripped off his favourite Jack Wills leggings leaving his legs bare as he touched his skin."Going to make you wish that you were never born,"The one with the dyed white hair growled as he slipped his cold hands under the material of Louis' white underwear and kneaded at the skin of Louis' arsecheeks making Louis squirm earning a harsh kick the ribs by one of the men.I already wish I wasn't Louis thought as he choked on his own sobs and tasted his own salty tears.

He had no time to process what was happening to him until it was too late,so late that he was naked from the waist down,his body trembling with fear furiously as the men continued to prod him and touch his bum and cock.

Why was this happening to him?Why was no one hearing his protests?Why was someone somewhere above was letting these three raspiest touch him?Make him feel pain that often it was becoming a regular thing and make him self so useless that he wished someone would take out his broken heart out of his ribcage.Why was he left to defend himself against daily challenges each and everyday that normally sent him home in tears,bleeding and just plain broken?Why was though harsh words always thrown his direction?Why did no one feel the need to help him when he was pushed down in he hallways and kicked in the ribs?Why did his brother hate him?

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