Twenty (2y 7m)

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Shoutout to: LovedYouFirst_xox because this girl made my day and she's just fabulous ❤️🙈



Enjoy :) (March 2017/3 months pregnant)

"Fletcher,baby,please calm down for daddy,"Liam tried to hush the toddler I'm his arms that was in hysterics,tears running down his rosy red cheeks and snot coming out his nose,His dark brown hair a mess and tossed from all of the tossing and turning he was doing during his slumber.He had just had a major nightmare about a monster coming to eat him and his daddies,and well normally Fletcher was a strong,brave little soldier,tonight he wasn't and let his guard down.He couldn't stop crying and screaming from his daddies to come and help him,and now that he was in only his daddy's arms,it didn't calm his nerves because his papa wasn't around.

Liam was pretty stressed as it was,his training schedules were starting again and more and more matches were coming up,and he just couldn't handle all of the shit going on in his career.I mean he loves football he lives for it,but when you have a team that just sees him as 'the gay guy that threw his life out the door because he knocked some dude up' it got a little annoying and tiring after a while.Not to forgot to mention that he still wasn't officially outed as gay (or that he was a father) to the fans of the club and media which was still breaking Louis bit by bit as it felt like Liam didn't want this,that he didn't want people to know that he was engaged to a boy and that he didn't want people to know about Louis.

It was breaking Louis,and now that he was now 3 months pregnant didn't help matters either.Louis was showing more rapidly now than when he was pregnant with Fletcher,it wasn't a lot,but he knew he was bigger now than then.Both of the parents were over the moon when they found out that Louis was pregnant again,this time Liam being extra careful with Louis and Making sure that he didn't do anything 'extreme' (not like there was anything extreme to do in the house anyway other than clean or run after Fletcher).He had no University anymore,he threw that all away after the miscarriage saying that 'he couldn't be bother with life anymore' and 'why should I even try'.Anywho,Louis was pregnant,6 months until expected labour and neither parents could control their excitement (they had yet to tell Fletcher that he was gonna be a big brother).

"M-Mon-Monster N-nummies P-papa!"Fletcher cried harder as Liam ran his hands up and down the toddlers back trying to sooth him as they walked around the room,Liams shoulder,chest and neck wet with tears and snot,not that he cared,he was use to all of these bodily fluids now.Liam was use to being peed on,sucked on,spotted on and just slobbered on in his now daily life,So Fletcher crying and wiping his snot of Liams tattooed skin wasn't exactly a bother.

"Papa is sleeping Fletcher,no monster is going to nummy on me,you or your papa,I promise,"Liam cooed as he kissed Fletchers hair only for Fletcher to cry more and cling to Liam even more so,He may only be 2 and a half but he had some hold when he wanted too.Liam sighed as he walked across the room to the dresser where they kept Fletchers clothes.he opened the top drawer where his pull ups,underwear and socks were and pulled out the familiar white dummy that was stashed in there out of reach from Fletcher.He slipped the dummy into Fletchers mouth,Fletching immediately calming down a little and sucking harshly on the dummy the comfort item soothing to the toddler.Liam sighed in relief as he pulled out a new pull up.

"Is daddy's monkey wet?"Liam asked Fletcher who was now resting his head on Liams bare shoulder,tears still streaming down his cheeks but had calmed down tremendously.He never gave Liam a reaction so Liam patted the boys bum to find it indeed wet.He closed the drawer and laid Fletcher down on the changing mat that was ontop of the drawer.Although Fletcher was still a crying mess,Liam was able to change the toddlers pull up,throw it away and then pick him up again,small arms wrapped around his neck.

Liam carried the toddler across the hall to his and Louis' bedroom,where Louis was still out cold,now sprawled out on the bed on his back,the duvets fallen onto the floor.The older of the two couldn't help but chuckle at the sight,Louis was able to sleep in any position whatsoever,and when Liam even got up toe leave the bed during the night,he'd always find Louis sleeping all sprawled ,it,as if he was waiting for Liam to move."Look Bubba,there's papa,"He whispered pointing at the sleeping Louis.Louis was a sound sleeper,he never snored."No scary monster nummied on papa,"

"Papa!"Fletcher squealed in delight around his dummy,his hands out stretched to go to his papa.Louis didn't flinch,only just moved slightly so he was lying on his side no longer sprawled out on the bed.Liam gently laid Fletcher down on to the middle of the bed so he wouldn't fall,the toddler immediately crawling over and snuggling into his papas back.Liam smiled as he exited the room remembering that Fletcher can't sleep without Wilson.He wasn't going to let the toddler sleep in his own room after a nightmare,he and Louis never did.Grabbing Wilson (who looked so lonely and abandoned) Liam shut off the lights and went back into his and Louis' room to meet a crying Fletcher trying to get off of the bed.

"Hey,cheeky monkey,what are you up to?"Liam cooed as he repositioned Fletcher on the bed and wiped away the toddlers tears and nudged the dummy back into his mouth.Fletcher looked up at Liam with innocent baby blues as he sucks on the dummy.

"Monster nummy on daddy,"He whimpered as Liam fixed the bed sheets,Wilson sitting at the end of the bed out of Fletchers view as he fix the duvet so he was now draped over the sleeping Louis and sleepy Fletcher.

"No no,daddy was getting Fletcher,he was missing you,"Liam explained to the toddler,holding up Wilson in his other hands and making big brown puppy dog eyes at Fletcher who giggled and clapped his hands before making grabby hands at Wilson.He handed over the plush white tiger to Fletcher who held it to his chest.

"Missed wou Wilson,"Fletcher yawned kissing the soft fur of the toy as he scooted so he was cuddled up to Louis' back and Liams chest,the small toddler sandwiched between his two daddies.Liam smiled as he turned off the bedside lamp and wrapped one around the both of them,his hand on Louis' growing 3 month baby bump as he kissed Fletchers forehead who was struggling to stay awake.

"Love you Fletcher,Love you Louis,"Liam yawned as Fletcher shifted to his back,Wilson up in the air.

"What 'bou Wilson?"He sleepily asked following after a yawn.

"And of course Wilson,can't forget him,so important,"Liam said which Fletcher nodded in agreement before hugging the white tiger close to his chest again.

"Wuv Daddies,and Wilson,"


Sorry this was a terrible chapter,I started writing it last night in a very tired state and idek sorry

How was it?I love Fletcher,he just adds to the cuteness of the story and in excited for the new baby 😚


Peace ✌️


[QOTC:Leonardo DeCaprio or Young Johnny Depp?]

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