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Fletcher-3 years 1 month old
Oliver-2 weeks old

SAY 'HELL YAS' if you want a Michael and Axel chapter

Photo-OMF who remembers when Side Effect had this as a cover?

I blame my period for this crappy chapter :)


Enjoy :) (October 2017)

"Liam,all I'm saying is that you have to remember that we also have a three year old son that craves our attention,"Louis said while bouncing Oliver in his arms,trying tic slam the baby down after he had a burst out in tears for an unknown reason.He had Olivers head on his shoulder,his hands on his back and bum as he bounced his lightly,the little white fabric hat rubbing Against the side of Louis' cheek now and again which was pretty irritating but he could love with it.He had Oliver dressed up all cutesy,a pair of baby jeans on with the little pockets,a jumper with that words 'I love my Daddy' printed on it in white and a pair of dark blue socks on his head.His small hands covered in dark blue mittens to stop the boy from scratching his face with his nails.

Fletcher was setting in well in Nursery as far as Liam and Louis were both informed by their eldest son,they took turns on taking Fletcher to Nursery and picking him up,all depending on what needed to be done as Liam football season was now currently finished until next March unless there was friendlies (he still got paid).He got paid for all of the interviews he did,for promotion and for TV appearances,when there was no football season there was still interviews to go to and sometimes charity based things that he went too jaunt for the sake of it.Liam found it an easy job,he got paid to do the thing that he loved,play football.It was normally Louis who picked Fletcher up from Nursery before Taking him to the park for a while,all bundled up in warm clothes.

Even with his social awkwardness (that of course he got from Louis because he use to be just as awkward around people) Fletcher had been bragging about his new friends,or well toddlers that let him join in at play time or colouring.Louis was sure that he didn't make Friends yet,he always wondered out alone when he was picked up,and that time that Louis went to get him early he was sitting on the floor by himself with Wilson at his legs and toy cars in his hands,taking them zoom around on the soft flooring.Fletcher would still boast to his Papa and Daddy during dinner or Bath time about his day,they found it amusing and always made sure to add the right words at the right times to whatever he was rambling about,talking as fast as he could.

"And we also have a baby that needs a tad more attention than Fletcher,"Liam shot back,his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on the back of the sofa,his eyes watching Louis bounce Oliver in his Arms.It sounded mean,he didn't mean for it to sound mean but in his mind he had chosen the correct words,Oliver was younger,more dependent on his parents to look after him,feed him,change him and all of the sorts,Fletcher had that opportunity and it was now Olivers turn to get the attention for a while.

"You honestly think that?Liam,he's two weeks old,all he does is sleep,eat and poop,"Louis tells him,clearly a little pissed off,"and cry,all babies seem to do that,"He adds,kissing the top of his youngest head once he had got him to stop his crying and was able to shift him so he was now lying back down in his baby swing that was sitting on the floor of the livingroom.He smiled sweetly at his baby,softly stroking his bay soft cheek as the red dummy in his mouth bobbed up and down.He looked so precious when he slept,all babies did,he could be mistaken for a china doll.

"Set the boy down in front of the Television when we're busy,"Liam rolled his brown eyes simply,not thinking much as to what he was saying.It was obvious that his brain had taken a holiday,disappeared for a while meaning that all he was thinking about was 'Baby,Baby,Baby' not realising that Fletcher was still around,the the still needed the same affection as always because he was that type of child.A cuddly child,not that that was a bad thing,Louis would rather have a cuddly child than a child that didn't want anything to do with their parents.

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