Chapter 2 | First day back

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                                                     *alarm goes off*

Checking my phone it was 7 am.

My first class didn't start till 9:45 am But I wanted to get an early run-in before I started my first day back. Looking over at hitches side of the room, she wasn't in bed, she probably spent a night at Marlo I'll see her later.

Getting outta bed, I get ready to go for a run, I put on my black leggings and my sports bra, it was a bit chilly outside but I knew it wouldn't last so I just put on a jacket and left it half-zipped up. Grabbing my AirPods. I head out of the dorm and walk to the college track field.

Putting AirPods in and blasting my playlist. I see in the corner of my eye someone sitting in the bleachers. From the hair I could tell it was Eren, he had his half-up hair, a white shirt, and jeans. he seemed to be focused on his paper he was writing. Since he never took his eyes off it.

Rolling my eyes I start my daily run. With 20 minutes going by, I no longer see Eren in the bleachers. Whipping my forehead and cracking each side of my neck. I start heading back to my dorm to get ready and get some breakfast.

Walking back into my dorm, I see hitch standing in the bathroom applying makeup, not to her face but to her neck.

Shaking my head I go in and help her cover the love bites on her neck. "Really what would I do without you y/n". 

Let's not wonder that. I say laughing. "You wanna get breakfast after my shower?".

Yeah, I'm down. hitch said. 

Nodding my head, I rush in and out of the shower and put on my clothes for the day it was just a dark blue top and jeans. the only makeup I applied was mascara, highlight, and blush. I didn't wanna feel like the makeup was melting off on me in the middle of the day so I didn't apply a lot.

After getting ready me and hitch head to the dining hall, for breakfast. "How many classes you have today?"

Just lecture and communications. And you? hitch said. 

I have 3 and then I have an art class with professor hange but it's just an extra class.

"I hope you enjoy your day". 

Yeah, you too. I say. 

Me and hitch finished our breakfast. I had a beagle and yogurt, and hitch had a breakfast burrito.

I had 10 minutes left till class, so I started heading into my first class of the day. there wasn't really much going except for talking. the first boring class of the day. 

After the class was over, I had an hour left until my next one so I decided to stop by the library and study on a book I needed to read for my writing class.

Finding an empty table. I go by and place my stuff on the table. Sitting down I open my notebook and the book I need to read and start reading. 

a few minutes passed. For some reason, my eyes drifted away from the book into the corner of the room. Then there he was again but this time sitting next to a blonde boy and a girl with black hair and a red scarf. They seemed to be studying and Eren was in his notebook he was in earlier his eyes were glued to it. what is he studying for?

Looking at my phone I check the time I had 5 minutes till my next class, it didn't even feel like I've been here for an hour.

Packing up my things I by mistake drop a pencil as I was walking away. "Ugh, I don't have time my class is all the way on the other side of the campus". Quickly rushing out I start running to my next class. Finally getting there I walk into the class already being started. Seeing a seat next to Connie I go on and sit next to him.

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