Chapter 30 | LoveSick

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The next morning I woke up feeling nauseated and just a sickly feeling. I didn't let it stop me from my day. I also didn't let eren get in the way, I continued my days before him so why shouldn't I now? Just because I found out I feel more about him doesn't mean I should let it get in the way. And maybe this is all one big misunderstanding.

I went on my early run around the track this morning. Once I was finished, I gazed off to the bleachers and remembered the first day back I saw eren sitting down.

I shook off the thoughts and distracted myself by jogging back to my dorm. Once I went in I shower and got ready for my day. I got breakfast before my first class started. If anything my day was starting off normal. The most I would do is think about eren but I shut the thoughts off quickly. I'd also Get that nauseated feeling, but I figured it would go away throughout the day.

After Erwin's class, me and Connie met up with Sasha at the pizza parlor. Sasha ordered our food already so we all just sat down and waited.

"Not that we want to, but we wanna do it for you, when do we get to properly meet eren" Sasha asked.

"Oh, don't worry about that, you won't have to, he's long gone".

"What? Really?" Connie said.

"Yeah, he's still the same eren, nothing can or will be changed about him, so enough eren talk let's talk about something else".

"Someone at the party hired me to DJ their party in 3 weeks". Connie said.

"Really? That's awesome".

"It took you playing music to get invited to a party, kinda lame". Sasha said.

"Shut up, your just mad because you weren't".

"Am not, it's a stupid party, if I wanted to go to a stupid party, I'd go to floch's".

"Ahuh, so if I said I can bring a plus one you wouldn't go?".

"That changes everything, let me go"

"No, it's a stupid party". 

"It still is, but I wanna go, so let me go".

Sasha and Connie started to argue over the party, I let their argument fade as I zoned out to a nearby table. I then realized that was the table eren brought me to when I teased him under the table. So stupid". I thought myself.

"You think it's stupid too?" I heard Connie says.


"You said "so stupid" after I asked you if you wanted to go to the party".

"Oh, no not the party. Sorry."

"Well? Do you wanna go".

"To the party? Uh no, I probably won't go".

"Ha! So now you have to invite me" Sasha said.

Connie threw his head back as he rolled his eyes. Once the food came we all had our lunch.  we went back to campus after, and on my way to Levi's class, I ran into jean.

"Hey, I heard about eren, how you doing".

"I'm good, it's not that serious, not like I'm inlove with him it was just 7 days, not a lifetime we weren't even dating so no big deal". I said.

I looked at jean as he knew I was lying.

"You knew I was inlove with him to didn't you".

He nodded his head.

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