"y/n was you just with eren?". Turning around I was faced with jean, "yeah" I said.
"Why, for what".
We had a project to do?
Ahuh so why were you missing for a day.
Because I had to go out of town with eren-
"Let me guess for your "project," he said.
Yes for my project?
I don't get it you hate Eren right? But you still talk to him and your sleeping in his bed.
I do hate Eren, trust me I do, and wait how you knew i-
"He told me".
Okay well, whatever you think happened didn't so get that our your head, and why are you so mad? I ask.
Why am I mad? Because you tell me you hate me and never talk to you again. why does Eren still get to talk to you when apparently you actually hate him.
"Because he's my partner in class I have to talk to him."
So you guys just talked about your project that was it.
Well no,
"What the fuck y/n".
Jean what is that you want from me if it's a conversation I'll have one with you. but you ignore me and act like I don't exist not to mention you dropped us because you was in love with me.
"Was" I still am, your still fucking clueless. he said. Be honest with me did you do anything with eren
No, jean-
"Not even make out".
I stood silent not wanting to answer it.
"You see Fuck you". he said putting his hands on his head.
I'm sorry? I don't know what to say.
Tell me this did you enjoy it.
Jean just took my silence as a yes and shook his head walking away.
"Wait jean".
No, I'm not waiting anymore I've waited too damn long, and what's more fucked up is how easily you gave it to Eren,
"Give what to him I gave him nothing?"
You kissed him that's more than what I ever got from you, what I got a friendly hug? What's even sadder is that kiss meant nothing to him, your just another bitch to him". Jean walked away again, this time I didn't try to stop him he was right what else was I gonna say.
I went back to my dorm and cried for what felt like 5 minutes
"y/n you're back". Looking to the door was hitch,
yeah hey sorry I wasn't supposed to stay the night.
"It's totally okay but what's wrong babe are you crying?"
Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it tho.
That's fine I hope whatever it is gets better.
"Yeah, me too".
Do you maybe wanna get something to eat with me and the girls?
"No, I'm just gonna stay in the dorm for tonight".
We'll I'll bring you back something. Hitch headed out and I did what I said I never left the dorm that whole day.
2 days passed and I've been doing my normal routine with college. this time I have been avoiding everyone. I felt like I was a horrible person to everyone and I was hurt over Eren I wasn't sure over what just the thought of him made me hurt. I wasn't ready to deal with him when he comes back.

Accident | Eren x reader
Fanfictioncollege au: y/n is a college student at Trost university. walking back to campus she gets catcalled by no one other than Eren Yeager and Jean Kirstein. the two biggest fuck boy's on-campus. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Attack on Titan Characters...