In the morning I sat alone in the dining hall eating my breakfast. A seat being pulled out next to me ymir sat down. "I'm sorry for yesterday, it wasn't till now until I understood your point. But is that gonna make me stop helping you, no, but I am gonna calm down a bit"."It's okay ymir, you were right anyway, I am lying to myself. And maybe I'm not done with eren, but I have to be, we just don't work, I'm always gonna have trust issues with the eren he shows me, thinking he's gonna go back to his fuckboy self whenever he's with me".
"Forget about this whole confessing to eren thing, you really never talked about how you're holding up".
"Because I don't need to"
"Everyone needs to talk about how they feel, it's the part of getting better, so yes you do".
"But I actually don't need to, not only it's better for me but it's making me feel fine".
"It doesn't work like that y
"As much as I'd love to have this Conversation eren just walked in, and he's crowded by girls and I'd like to keep my breakfast down, so see you". I quickly grabbed my stuff and left out the dining hall.
A week has gone by I was in my dorm getting ready to leave with jean, Sasha, and Connie, to the roller skating rink. Hitch walked in talking on the phone about some party. hearing what she was saying the party seemed interesting. it was being placed on a rooftop. I got a text from Connie that they were at Sasha's dorm. I'll ask hitch the details later.
I waved hitch goodbye and walked to Sasha's dorm. I welcomed myself in Sasha's room as jean shouted "come in". once I walked in Sasha and Connie were bickering.
"What is it now?" I asked jean.
"I don't know something about a bet he said. "all alright enough, we're taking my car now let's go before I leave the both of you here". jean said.
Sasha pushed Connie out of her way and walked past us out the door. We all walked to jean's car and made our way to the roller rink. Once we got our skates on, we all sat down and started to put them on.
"Cool, there's an arcade". Connie said.
"Wanna see who can make the most tickets after we skate."
"Definitely, but hey last person on the staking rink has to but the other a slushie".
Sasha and Connie skated off into the rink, Sasha pushed Connie down so she was the first one in. as I looked away from them, jean was on his knees tying my rollerskate laces for me. "Your all good" jean said after he was done.
"You didn't have to but thank you". I said.
After jean got up he reached his hand out to me which I took and he led me to the skating rink. It looked like Sasha and Connie were having another competition as they kept trying to get ahead of each other.
Stepping onto the floor I slipped but jean caught me. he held my waist as we went more into the floor. Jean removed his hand from my waist and held my hand as we skated. The more use I got to it jean let go of my hand. The four of us were having a good time.
Sasha started to get hungry as we all did, so we got off the floor and jean and Connie went to go order us food as me and Sasha found a table to sit at.
"Are you having fun y/n?" Sasha asked.
"Yeah, are you?" I asked.
"Mhm, I'm just surprised you actually came, so now, I owe Connie 20$-"

Accident | Eren x reader
Fanfictioncollege au: y/n is a college student at Trost university. walking back to campus she gets catcalled by no one other than Eren Yeager and Jean Kirstein. the two biggest fuck boy's on-campus. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Attack on Titan Characters...