Waking up from the sunlight I felt Eren's arm around me. I was laying on his chest, I was confused about how we got into the position, rubbing my eyes I sit up.
Eren was still asleep. I needed to get back to campus to get a change of clothes and give in a paper I had due with Levi. I didn't want Eren to wake up thinking I left him. Shaking Eren's shoulder he got up easier than the last time "hm" he said in a sleepy voice.
I need to go back to campus, I'll be back, don't leave okay.
"I'll take you," he said mumbling with his eyes closed.
No, stay here, I'll have ymir come.
He gave me a thumbs up and drifted off back asleep. Calling ymir she came on her way.
Before she came, I cleaned up the room a little bit.
Hearing a knock I go to answer, Ymir was standing out the door. "You ready," she asked. Nodding my head I grab my bag and walk out with her.
Seeing historia in the front seat I go to the back and step into the car.
"How is he," she asked.
"I think today is gonna be the hardest day for him so I can't answer that".
"Yeah, well you're a good person y/n, staying with him through times like this despite what he's done to you, I can tell you really care about him". historia said.
"I mean, I'm only doing it because I promised Carla I would be there for him".
"Yeah but your not just there for him, you genuinely care about-" historia said.
"She isn't gonna admit it," Ymir said.
There's nothing to admit, it's really just for Carla.
For a woman, you met once? Ymir said.
"Twice, I said. And she was a really good woman"
"Leave her be," Ymir said to historia as she was about to say something.
We made it to campus and I went straight to my dorm to get a change of clothes I packed a pair of joggers and a black crop top and put it into my bag I'll take a shower back at the room.
Walking out I grab my paper to drop at Levi's classroom. I stepped in seeing Levi at his desk "leave it on the desk" he said. Placing it on his desk I stopped by the dining hall to get eren something before I left I grabbed an apple and a yogurt.
"y/n" looking over was jean approaching me.
"Jean? Hey"
"Why didn't you come last night or even pick up?"
"I was busy-"
Doing what? he asked.
I was just busy.
Ahuh, and where were you, because you weren't at your dorm.
"Listen jean, Eren's mom died-"
Yeah, I know, what's that have to do with you.
"Oh, so you know"
Yeah, and he doesn't want anyone around. so again what's that have to do with you.
"Jean, I have to talk to you later, I'm sorry". I walked away not wanting to continue the conversation and save myself a big explanation. Hitch said it was okay for me to borrow the car so I went my way and drove back to the room.
I hope eren is still here I said entering the room, it was exactly how I left it walking into the doors that led into the room I saw eren laying on his side with his arm hanging off the bed sitting next to him at the edge of the bed I try talking to him.

Accident | Eren x reader
Fanfictioncollege au: y/n is a college student at Trost university. walking back to campus she gets catcalled by no one other than Eren Yeager and Jean Kirstein. the two biggest fuck boy's on-campus. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Attack on Titan Characters...