"You? Hokage? Thats funny."

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Sakura arrived home with Y/n. Once Sakura unlocked the front door and open it, she was greeted by her only child, Sarada.

"Welcome home, Mama!" Sarada said, not noticing Y/n who is standing behind Sakura.

"Hi Sarada. How has your day been with Boruto and the others?" Sakura asked as she walked into house, taking off her shoes at the front door.

"It was actually very interesting. While we were at Ichiraku, Boruto told us that him and the seventh Hokage had helped a girl who was frozen in an iceberg and we found her running around the village. We caught her and sent to to the Hokage and-"

Y/n walked in from behind Sakura and Sarada stared at her in shock. She gasp and said, "That's her! Y/n! What are you doing here?

"Tsunade." Was all Y/n said before taking off her shoes and walked in as well. Y/n looked around the apartment. Her feet walked on the cold, clean floor as she examined the place "it looks..cozy." She mumbled but Sakura heard.

"Thanks! Feel free to get comfortable as Sarada shows you around. I'll be making dinner."

Sarada nodded and spoke. "Ok. Come Y/n"

Sarada showed you around the house. Showing you the bathroom, her room, the kitchen, Living room, parents room, etc. what confused you the most is how the house was perfectly lit up even though there were no candles, the Tv, oven and the other mechanical objects that were in the house. You weren't dumb. You just wasn't used to technology like the people these days were.

"Hey, Y/n?"

"Hm?" You responded

"Have you ever thought about going to the academy?" Sarada asked.

"Academy?" You asked and Sarada nodded.

"Yeah. It's where the young Kids go in order to become ninjas. You start out as an academy student then once you graduate, you become a genin. Then after that are the Chunin exams where you can rank up to a Chunin like me if you win but I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the next one since the last one is already over."
She explained.

You hummed in response. "What is the highest rank?"

"Hokage. Just like lord fifth, sixth and seventh. Underneath Kage level are the anbu that consists of highly skilled and trained Shinobi that go on life threatening missions to help protect the leaf village. Then are the Jonin  who sometimes lead a group of genin to go on missions and such. Then Chunin and then genin."

You nodded your head.

"My dream is to become the Second female Hokage! Therefore, I'll be one of the strongest Shinobi in the Leaf!" Sarada's eyes sparkled with determination.

You stayed silent before bursting out in laughter which startles the girl.

"You...an UCHIHA??!?.....THATS HILARIOUS! I can just see the look on Tobirama's face..!" You said in between laughter, picturing Tobirama arriving back from the dead and yelling at Sarada that she'll never be an Hokage because she's an Uchiha and how they are a disgrace to the leaf.

Once your laugh had died down, you looked back at Sarada who now had tears in her eyes, threatening to fall down.
"You don't think I can achieve that goal...?" She mumbled.
"Uhm....it's not that...it's just that I'm thinking about Tobirama and his reaction." You said.

"Tobirama? The second Hokage?" She asked. You nodded.

"Yeah. He wasn't very fond of  us Uchiha's and thought so lowly of us." You explained.

"Well..." she lifted up her glasses. "I'll prove him wrong by achieving My goal as becoming the first UCHIHA to become Hokage." She said.

You two then started to talk about others stuff and read books since  Sarada told you that watching  too much Tv can rotten your brain.

"Girls! Dinner's Ready!" Sakura called from the kitchen.

"Coming Mama! Come Y/n."


You walked behind Sarada as you both went in the kitchen and ate Dinner.

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