Kage Meeting

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Around a week later...

A few days ago, the other leaders of the 5 villages met up in the leaf upon the request of Lady fifth.

Naruto, Sasuke and team 7 had recently woken up from their injuries and were doing fine. Except Mitsuki who was still suffering from the burns but it wasn't as bad as before.
All the Kage's plus sat around a table in a room while Tsunade leaned against a wall near Naruto.

Gaara of the Sand; The Kazekage.

Kurotsuchi; The Tsuchikage.

Darui; The Raikage.

And Choujuro; The Mizukage.

Naruto told them that Madara has returned. He then told them about Y/n, her being an Uchiha and everything that happened since the day he got her out the the iceberg a few months ago.

"Wow...That's a lot of information." Darui commented.

"How was she even able to figure out about the reanimation technique?" Kurotsuchi asked.

"I believe some of the leaf Shinobi couldn't keep their mouths shut and was talking about that topic. Y/n must've overheard." Tsunade spoke.

"How does she even know about Madara? Is there some connection?" Gaara asked.

"Sasuke did mention Y/n claimed that Madara was her brother." Naruto responded.

"That's weird...Madara didn't mention having a sister. But then again, we know nothing about him other than that he's a huge threat." Choujuro claimed.

Something in Tsunade's head clicked. "Wait...Y/n..that sounds so familiar..."

(I little flashback to around the time of the war...)

Reanimated Madara and Reanimated Hashirama clashed. Madara was controlling the Ten tailed beast while Hashirama tried to stop him.

"Do you think Y/n would've been happy if she saw you doing this?!" Hashirama told to him.

Tsunade and the other past Kage's (minus Gaara since he's STILL a Kage) watched. They were slightly beaten up from Madara's Susanoo (did I spell that right?)

'Y/n? Who's that?' Tsunade thought as she watched her grandfather fight.

Madara growled at him. "Shut up!" He yelled.

(Flashback over..)

"Y/n...no wonder that name sounds familiar." Tsunade said.

The others looked at her. "What do you mean?" Naruto asked

"During the 4th great shinobi war, my grandfather mentioned Y/n's name. Gaara, you were there so you must've heard it too.

Gaara nodded. "I have."

"So they must have some history..."

"But lord first and the founders are way past their time. So if Y/n was somehow part of that Era...how is she still alive?" Kurotsuchi asked.

"Naruto did say that he first found Y/n trapped in an iceberg. So perhaps she was frozen in time?" Choujuro explained.

"Seems logical. But we don't know how that happened. But at least we figured out where she originally came from." Tsunade said.

"So does that mean that this little girl is older than the elder's themselves?"  Darui questioned himself.

"Hold on...during the Era of the founders of the Hidden leaf Village, didn't the Uchiha's and Senju's hate each other?" Choujuro questioned.

"Yes but peace was declared after the war during their time." Tsunade answered.

"So what's going to happen once Y/n finds out that the person who she cared about was killed by a Senju?" Naruto questioned her.


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