Phase 3 Awakening

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A/n: the Bolded words is Kurama speaking or thinking.

Y/n panted. Her sweat dripping from her head as she knelt on one knee. Her Sharingan activated.  The trees and grass around her were either burned or destroyed from her Jutsu attacks.

"How are you not tired??!" She yelled/asked at Madara who was dusting himself off.

"I'm Reanimated. Therefore, I have infinite Chakra. I cannot get Tired." He responded.

"I CaNnOt GeT tIrEd." Damn robot." She mimicked him.

She huffed and got back up then spawned 5 shadow clones. Each forming a hand sign, without saying a word, blew out a massive fire wave, sending them in different directions to make it harder for Madara to dodge. Unfortunately for Y/n, Madara dodged it with ease.
Y/n tried to predict his movements but he was  too fast so she pulled out her scythe to guard for any unexpected attacks. She was able to see a flash of red and black coming at her from behind. Quickly turning around, she uses the pointed tip at the end of the scythe and swung it at him like a spear.
Madara grabbed it by the handle. Y/n kicked at him and backflipped away.

A massive shadow formed over her. She looked up and saw a gigantic meteor falling at a rapid pace. Her clones disappeared.

'What the hell is that?!'

She stood frozen in spot. How is she able to she stop it? Is he going to crush her with that?

The adrenaline rushes through her body as she struggles to find a way to stop the incoming meteor. She never dealt with something this huge and dangerous before.
Her heart beat quicken as the meteor came closer and closer...

"What's happening..? I see red everywhere...'

Her Sharingan eyes spinning aggressively. Slowly but steady...

...her 3 tomoe on each eye awoken.

Something in her mind snapped. Putting her hands together in a sign and yelled out, "Fire style: Magma Eruption!"

A/n: magma and Fire are basically the same thing 🧍🏽‍♀️


Naruto's Pov

I heard a loud explosion and saw flames located not too far away. What could Y/n possibly be doing out here?

'I sense a powerful chakra force coming from that direction along with Y/n's Chakra. I assume she's fighting someone.' Kurama spoke to me.

'Well then that person must be extremely strong.' I replied.

"Did you also feel a strong presence close?" Sasuke asked. I nodded. "Let's quicken our pace. Therefore, we'll find out who's out there with Y/n."

As we neared the location, the ground shook violently, startling everyone and causing us to stop.

{end of POV}

"Woah! What's going on over there??" Boruto questioned.

Sarada stood there and looked in the direction of the explosion and stared at the sky, the light reflecting off her glasses.

"...what's that?" She pointed towards the meteor coming down.

"The hell?" Sasuke yelled.

'That meteor technique looks so familiar.' Naruto thought.

"We're almost there!" He tells them.

"Finally, I felt like I've been running for hours." Boruto complained.

(I forgot Mitsuki was there also)

Just then, Lava bursted into the air, stopping the meteor and launching it back to space.

"Wow." Mitsuki said, slightly astonished.

{meanwhile Y/n and Madara again..}

Madara smirked. He didn't plan on making the meteor hit Y/n as it would've killed her. He just wanted to push her to a near-death experience as it could help unlock her next phase. And he accomplished just that. But what shocked him was that she was able to send that rock back to where it came from. No one has ever been able to do that before- only stop it.

Y/n's POV (btw, you don't know that you unlocked your third tomoe yet)

"Fire style: Magma eruption!"

Magma bursted from out of the ground and into the air like a volcanic eruption. It's speed and force was slowly able to stop the meteor and send it back to space.

I let out a huff. I can't believe I actually done that.
Madara came back down with an amused look.
"Congratulations. You managed to stop the meteor. And also unlock the third phase." He said.

My eyes slightly widened. I used my scythe to see my reflection and saw 3 tomoe in both my eyes.

"I did it!" I cheered. I stopped cheering as I heard someone call my name.


"Huh?" Turning my head, I saw Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Sasuke and Naruto.

''s them..' I stared blankly at them. How did they even know I was here? I'm pretty far from the village- oh wait. The Ninjas Naruto sent out that Madara and I killed..forgot about them.

"Where have you been? You've been gone almost the entire day." Sarada asked.

"I was just doing stuff that doesn't concern any of you." I honestly spoke.

"Who's he?" Mitsuki pointed to Madara. I noticed Naruto and Sasuke looked HORRIFIED once they saw Madara.

Wow. So Madara wasn't kidding about giving these guys PTSD.

"Is he an enemy?" Boruto asked.

"Well..not to me. I don't know about you guys though."

Naruto and Sasuke got into a fighting stance.

"Tch. Knew we shouldn't trust her. Not only was she able to somehow master the reanimation technique, but she reanimated one the most dangerous person in Shinobi history." Sasuke spoke.

"Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki! Get back. That guy is highly dangerous." Naruto warned.

"Don't you dare speak so lowly about big bro Madara! I'll have your limbs for that!" I yelled.

"Madara? Is that the man who you spoke so much about?" Sarada asked.


Madara crouched and put his hands on the ground. A flash of light came from him and then faded.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"I freed myself from your control. Now I can move on my own free will." He answered. I nodded and turned my gaze back to the 5.

"Well if it isn't the Uzumaki and Uchiha brats. Seems like you both had grown up. Too bad your all going to die." Madara spoke.

"Wow so blunt." I sweat dropped.

Bro how did it even lead up to this? Now I'm just making the book even longer than I Originally planned. 🤡

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