The Side Six

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It's about time I give character's besides Y/n some screen time ;)


"OW! What was that for?" Y/n growled as Sarada slapped her over the head.

"I asked you 3 times if you wanted to come meet the others at the burger joint." Sarada said.

"And as I said 3 times: NO! stop inviting me to your hangouts. They aren't my friends."

"But C'mon! It'll be cool! And plus I wanna introduce you to a few more people in our group other than Boruto and the others. But PLEASE come! They already find you interesting and strong especially since you're an Uchiha like me!"
The four-eyed girl said.

"You sound so desperate. *sigh* Fine." Y/n closed the book she was reading and placed it back on the shelf. "So when are we going?" You questioned.

"Right now." She said and grabbed your arm, Dragging you again.

"We're here!"

Sarada's friends had greeted the both of you and you noticed that there were five new faces you were unfamiliar with.

Sarada's friends had greeted the both of you and you noticed that there were five new faces you were unfamiliar with

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"Hey girls!" Boruto greeted. "Oh! Y/n! Meet the other members of our group:

"Metal Lee..." Boruto gestures towards a guy with a bowl cut and big eyebrows. He wore a green jumpsuit and orange (I forgot what it's called). Metal shyly waved at you.


"Hey." You replied.

"Next is Denki." A guy in blue who also wore glasses spoke.

"I'm Denki Kaminarimon! Nice to meet you!"

"Likewise, Denki." You said.

"Then is Wasabi and Namida." (Boruto)

"Hello!/Hayo!" The two girl(s?) replied.


"Then is-"

" I can introduce myself." The guy rolled his eyes then spoke. "Iwabee Yuino."

"Nice to meet ya too."

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?"

"I will once I get all of your name's. So be patient" you rolled your eyes at him to which he "Tch'ed" at.

"...And last but not least: Sumire Kakei."

Sarada grabbed your arm and whispered in your ear for only you to hear.

"That's the traitor who I told you about. Try not be friends with her." She whispered.

You nodded.

Sumire silently glared at Sarada but Sarada ignored it.

(Yeah we're gonna Bad mouth Sumire in this book cuz I need drama. 😩)

"alright. Name's Y/n Uchiha. Nice to meet you all (not)."

"Woah Uchiha? Cool!" (Denki)

"Hmph." (Iwabee)

"So cool..." (Wasabi)

"Yeah..!" (Namida)

"..." (Sumire)

They mumbled in awe as the Main six watched from a nearby table.

"Now that you've all introduced yourselves, Let's eat!" Mitsuki spoke.

"Yeah I'm STARVING!" ChoCho groaned.

"So, Y/n. Have you ever ate a cheese burger before? Inojin asked.

You shook your head 'no'. "Nope."

ChoCho and Boruto almost choked.

"WHAT?!/SERIOUSLY?!" They yelled together.

"Nuh uh, Y/n you HAVE to try it. It's the definition of Delicious" ChoCho said.

"Uh okay? You deadpanned. After that, you all hung out for the day and headed back home with Sarada. You actually had a pretty good time.

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