Fitting In

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This chapter might be short-

It was the middle of the day. Y/n and Sarada were sitting on a bench eating a bento that Sakura made before she left for work.

 Y/n and Sarada were sitting on a bench eating a bento that Sakura made before she left for work

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"Y/n. I think you should consider coming to the Academy with us." Sarada said, breaking the silence.

"This again? You must  really want me to join you and you're little group of friends." You said.

Sarada nodded. "Yeah. You're very skilled. Wouldn't want your strength to be put to waste."

You thought for a moment. " I don't know...sounds like a lot of work to be honest."

"You sound just like Shikadai." Sarada pouted.

"But really! It's fun. We get to go on missions and such."

"Sounds tempting. I'll keep that in mind."


You walked into the Uchiha residence alone as you  literally had to force  Sarada to go hang out with her friends instead of following you around like a lost dog.

You sat on the couch and read a book, enjoying the peaceful silence as the only thing was being heard was the clock ticking.


The sound of keys jingle and then a click was heard at the door. As the door opened, you lifted your head up to see Sakura walk in the door.

"Hey Y/n! Where's Sarada?" Sakura asked.

"I told her to go hang out with her friends and I just came here to relax and enjoy the silence."
You responded.

"Oh yeah..I've been thinking about..changing my looks. Y'know, to look more..modern. Also because people wouldn't stop giving me weird looks because of my robe and sandals."

"Ah! Sure thing! I'll buy you some new clothes!"

And then Sakura dragged you to a nearby clothing shop.

{Time-skip cuz I don't feel like writing about shopping}

5 hours of shopping later, you both had returned home.
"Mama! Y/n! Where were you two?" Sarada came up to you both.

"We went to get Y/n some new clothes. Go on. Try 'em on."

Walking into the bathroom, you changed-

Walking into the bathroom, you changed-

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(If you don't like any of these options then stick with the Robe or think of a clothing of your choice

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(If you don't like any of these options then stick with the Robe or think of a clothing of your choice.)

(Ignore the little Titles at the bottom)

-then put your hair in a back ponytail, but still has the right side of your face covered:

-then put your hair in a back ponytail, but still has the right side of your face covered:

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You looked into the mirror and observed your new look. "..not bad" you mumbled.

Once you walked out, Sakura and Sarada complement on your look.

I Told you it was short 🌚

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