" The Pink Haired 'Uchiha' "

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After y/n had asked several questions about the environment, she had one more question to ask.

"Okay so now I understood everything, where am I supposed to go now? I'm pretty sure my home is gone now." She said. The adults thought about it.

"Well..since she's an Uchiha, do you think she could stay with Sakura and her family?" Tsunade asked.

"I don't know..Sakura is usually busy working at he leaf hospital, Sasuke away and Sarada seems busy with academy training." Kakashi says.

"I'll ask her."

{At the Village hospital}
Sakura's POV

I woke up in a room on a couch. I groaned and sat up then touched my head.

"Ms.Sakura! You're awake!" One of my co-workers say.

"What happened?" I asked

"Me and the other staff heard stuff crashing and breaking inside one of the hospital rooms and checked it out and saw you frozen on the spot then fainted so we brung you here as the room is currently getting repaired." They explained.

I nodded."you should go home to relax. You've been working extra hard for the past week. We got it from here." They said.

"You sure?"

They nodded so I got up and left. I looked at the sky and realized that it's already the afternoon so Sarada should be home by now.

Midway to my house, I saw Lady Tsunade and the same girl who attacked me earlier.

"Sakura! Glad I caught you. I have a favor to ask." Lady Tsunade said.

"Hello Lady Tsunade. What's up?"

"Meet Y/n. You don't mind looking after her, right? I understand you're very busy with work but she doesn't really feel comfortable around non-Uchiha's. So I figured that you'd be the best option. Sarada wouldn't mind having company, right? Especially since Y/n also has the Sharingan." The girl who's supposedly name 'Y/n' looked at me with no emotion but once she got a good look of me, her face turned into a scowl. "You again.." she hissed.

"Hm? You met her already?" Tsunade asked.

I nodded. "Y-yeah. Naruto took her to the hospital a few days ago so I took care of her. But when she woke up, she attacked me." I said. I was slightly scared of the girl. One, being that she's also an Uchiha and two, the scythe that's attached on the straps on her back.

"Maybe because she was startled, making it an act of self defense." Tsunade reasoned.

"I'm giving her a week. If she wants to go live on her own, I'll look for a suitable house for her. If she gets comfortable and wants to stay, that's your choice."

I thought for a moment before nodded my head.

"Alright." Taunade smile and Y/n stayed the same.

"Great. Well, I best be off. I have a personal meeting with Naruto and Kakashi." Then she left, leaving Y/n with me.

The atmosphere was a little tense and awkward so I spoke. "Em.. C'mon!"

We started walking after that. It was nothing but awkward silence so I tried to lighten up the mood. "Uh...I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier but I just wanted to address this quickly."

"I'm Sakura Uchiha. My name is Originally Sakura Haruno but I was married into my husband's Clan; the Uchiha." I explained

"Hn." She said

I deadpanned. She reminds me of Sasuke back then during our academy years..!

A/n: alright. A quick heads up. I might..JUST might not be able to update daily like I have so far due to the school year almost ending and my grades being a Big Fat 55 because I don't be doing my work 🤦🏽‍♀️
The work isn't hard..I'm just really..REALLY lazy..

So, I'm taking the chance to complete my work and AT LEAST do any missing assignments because 1. I want to graduate and possibly go to college and 2. I don't want to be dumb asf and fail.

 I don't want to be dumb asf and fail

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So yeah-

Bye now.✌️

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