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You stayed with Madara. (Wherever he lived)

He began teaching you the basics. Not too much as you were still a kid so he decided to go easy on you but only if you both were alone since he didn't want Hashirama to mock him and ruin his pride.
Later while walking with Madara, you stumbled across a white haired male with ruby red eyes and peach-ish pain on his face. He had the same battle armor as Madara's but his was blue instead of red.
The man was talking to Hashirama about something but unlike Hashirama, the man looked grumpy. Always angry about something while the taller male was laughing.

Hashirama noticed us. "Hey guys! We were just talking about you." He snickered and looked at Madara with a grin.

Madara scowled and threatened him if we were to continue but you were too busy fixing your long hair as you waited for the two idiots to stop.

"Tch. What do you want, Uchiha?" The white haired male said.

"Tobirama, be nice." Hashirama scolded as the other 'tched' and crossed his arms.

'So his name is Tobirama.' You thought.

"Tobirama look. That's the girl I was talking about. The one Madara-Chan had a soft spot for-" Madara bopped Hashirama over the head harshly.


You quietly snickered.

"Another Uchiha. Just greaat" Tobirama said with Sarcasm.

"Another Senju. Just Greaat." You replied back with the same emotion.

" You replied back with the same emotion

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"HAH!" Madara called.

No longer paying attention to the three adults who act like children, you decided to go look around the village.
"I'm going to go look around." You said.

"Don't get lost. Wouldn't want to spend the whole day looking for you." Madara called.

"Aww Madara cares!"


A/n: yeah this chapter is short since it's just you meeting Tobirama. Of course, he doesn't like you because 2 reasons.

1. You're an Uchiha.

2. You are an Uchiha.

(Credit to the Artis)

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(Credit to the Artis)

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