Please Don't Be a Stranger

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I have many fears in this life.
One, is not being able to have you.
But, that's happened after all.

So, I have another fear,
Maybe greater than the first one,
And I guess it's slowly coming true.

I'm most scared of having us be strangers.
I already can't have you,
So I don't want to lose you completely.

I still want you to be in my life,
As a friend, an enemy, or whatever you want.
I'll take it, as long as you're still here.

Just, please promise me this one thing,
Promise me that we'll never be strangers,
Promise me that you'll stay.

Promise me that this is not 'The End',
No matter how hopeless our story is,
For I don't want a life without you in it.

Truth is, I still love you.
And if I can't have you to be mine,
Let me at least have you in some other way.

All I ask is for you to stay in my life,
I don't care in what way,
Just please stay,

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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