3 years.

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It's been 3 years.
3 years of fooling myself.
3 years of hurting myself.
And 3 years of trying to forget you.

I still remember that day,
Because from then on,
I would cry each night,
Thinking of how things can be different.

Thinking of how it all went wrong,
How you said you lost it,
Lost your love for me,
Long before you ended it.

How it made me feel like a fool,
Like a foolish girl chasing the sun,
But I couldn't resist the warmth,
How it made me feel safe.
How you made me feel safe.

I couldn't resist you,
And it's been 3 years,
But there's something about you,
That draws me closer and closer.

Now I know that I'll always fail,
Trying to forget you.
So I will stop trying,
And I will embrace this feeling.

I will write about you.
I will cry about you.
And I will remember you,
For the rest of my life.

Because if I've ever felt love,
Then I believe,
That it was only with you,
And it will always be you.

Because if I've ever felt love,
I wouldn't want it any other way,
Because you bring me to life,
But take life away from me too.

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