A Letter for a New Beginning

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Dear You,

Hey. How was your day? That's the one question that we'd never miss any day, and I like that. I don't really know why I'm writing this, but I guess this is the first time in a while that I know that I'm falling for someone, carefully yet surely. It's a different kind of feeling, the one you get when you know that this is finally it, that this is not another free fall with no one to catch me down below. I guess, this is the first time I've become mature enough to love myself before I give myself to someone, and that someone is you.

I'm not ready to say I love you yet, and I know you understand. I guess it's true that everyone has their own time, and I'm glad that ours' are in line. I learnt the hard way that saying I love you before I actually mean it won't do any good. I love you, it's a tough word out there. How do you know it's truly love? Well, when I finally say it, I will.

But for now, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for making me who I am today. All those sleepless nights where I can sleep to the soothing of your voice, thank you. Thank you for always being there for me, for always being there to pick me up when I'm down. You always have a way to put a smile on my face. I guess, with you I smile more, laugh more, enjoy life more. Thank you. Words can't describe how grateful I am for you. It's like I found you at the right moment, the right time, and all I can say is that it's all God's plan.

I was so hurt by the broken promise of 'love', never truly understanding what it is. With you, I'm slowly learning, I know we're both learning. But, love is all about giving, sacrificing, and I understand that now. It's no longer just about me and only me. It's finally about someone else whom I genuinely care about. Thank you for giving me a reason.

Even if I'm not able to say those three words just yet, I know that I will, and I know that it's for you. Did you know that I almost said that night when you said good night, waving your hands at the hotel alley, half past midnight? That was the first night I opened myself up to you, the first night I truly showed you all my flaws, my scars, my past. I remember how it was so hard for me to tell you the story of my past, of my old lovers. I remember how it was so hard for you to listen, but you did. Thank you for that. Through it all, you were always there for me, even in times where a smile is so hard to bear. But you always did it. Just being with you gives me a sense of warmth and peace, and you always have a way to make me me again. Thank you.

So, this is a letter for you. A letter for the man who I'm learning about love with. The man I will genuinely say my first 'I love you' to. Thank you for being you.

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