The Lies I Tell

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Were there times,
Where you just wonder,
What would it be like,
If things hadn't fallen apart?

What would it be like,
If we hadn't given up?
If we hadn't run away,
From each other?

Do you think,
That we would be happier?
Do you think,
That we would still be together?

If I wouldn't be lying to myself,
Yes. I believe we will be happier.
Yes. I believe we will find our way.
But what am I doing,
If I'm not fooling myself every day?

I always tell myself,
That we were never meant to be,
That we will never be happy,
And that we will never find our way.
But it's all just lies isn't it?

At least that's what I want to believe,
What I have to believe.
Because I can't have you,
And I know I never will.
So I can't risk the love I have now,
Just to chase you.

A dream I can never reach.
A song I can always hear.
A love I can never have.

But it's you.
A dream I'll keep dreaming.
A song I'll keep hearing.
A love I'll keep hiding.

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